ProsePoint 0.44 has been released.

Written for ProsePoint by bengtan on 2012-12-13

ProsePoint 0.44 has been released.

This is a security release of ProsePoint, addressing a security vulnerability. It is recommended that all users upgrade to this version of ProsePoint.

Security Vulnerability

ProsePoint 0.44 addresses the following security vulnerability:

o SA-CONTRIB-2012-134 - Views - Privilege Escalation -

Other Changes

For the full list of changes, please see the changelog.


Upgrading to ProsePoint 0.44

Please upgrade to ProsePoint 0.44 only from versions 0.25 to 0.43.

If upgrading from versions 0.25 to 0.42, a full source code upgrade is required.

If upgrading from version 0.43, a partial source code upgrade is sufficient.

Remember to run update.php afterwards.

Please see for upgrading instructions.

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