Registered by Duncan McGreggor

Create and Edit RTF Files in Python

Current development is focused on a fork of PyRTF and aims to be more efficient and adhere to the subset of PEP-8 standard as dictated by the Twisted coding standard, provide Rich Text Format file parsing (the original PyRTF does not provide the ability to parse and edit RTF files, only create them), while still enabling users to generate RTF files from Python. Once this cleanup work is done, the fork will be merged back into PyRTF.

Project maillist:

Keep in mind that this is a very part-time project, with a lot of clean up left to do. However, it does retain all previous functionality (though the API is changing).

Project information

PyRTF Developers
Not yet selected
MIT / X / Expat Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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