News and announcements

2010l released

Written for pytz by Stuart Bishop on 2010-08-23

pytz-2010l has been released.

pytz-2010k released

Written for pytz by Stuart Bishop on 2010-07-28

New pytz release. 2010l is expected soon with timezone changes for Samoa that are just now being finalized.

pytz-2010h released

Written for pytz by Stuart Bishop on 2010-04-16

A new version is out, updating timezone information for Pakistan and Tunisia. This release also contains a bugfix - datetime.time(...).utcoffset() and friends no longer raise exceptions when the time instances contain pytz timezones.

2010g Released

Written for pytz by Stuart Bishop on 2010-03-30

2010g has been released. You may want to skip this release as 2010h is due out next week.

2010e Released

Written for pytz by Stuart Bishop on 2010-03-09

2010e is now out. This release contains code changes in addition to the usual Olson database update. tzname(), utcoffset() and dst() now behave closer to the description in the Python reference guide. See for details.

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