QBzr 0.18 "Pine-needles"

Milestone information

Code name:
Alexander Belchenko
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Assigned to you:
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4 Alexander Belchenko, 2 Gary van der Merwe, 2 Ian Clatworthy, 1 methane
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
9 Fix Released

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File Description Downloads
download icon qbzr-0.18.tar.gz (md5, sig) Source code 185
last downloaded 65 weeks ago
download icon qbzr-setup-0.18.exe (md5, sig) Windows universal installer 118
last downloaded 64 weeks ago
Total downloads: 303

Release notes 

 * Fixed problems with rename items in subdirectory. (Bug #495519, INADA Naoki)
 * Flush clipboard on exit, so data copied there is available after closing of
   q-window. (Bug #503401)
 * Fixed problem with insufficient width of revno column in qannotate and
   qbrowse (for revision tree) if revno bigger than 9999.
   (Bug #505990, Alexander Belchenko)
 * Changed buttons behavior in subprocess-based dialogs: if the operation
   failed then show Retry button (instead of OK), at the successfull finish
   show only Close button. (Simon Kersey)
 * qrun has new option --execute which allows to run the supplied command
   immediately. If the command failed user can edit the command and its
   arguments in usual way. (Simon Kersey)
 * Fixed a bug in the new SyntaxHighlighter used in qannotate and qcat so that
   it correctly handle tokens without styles. (Bug #508281, Gary van der Merwe)
 * Fixed a bug in TreeWidget were some times duplicated in parent directories.
   (Gary van der Merwe)
 * qbranch has a new --bind option for convenient binding to the parent
   location while branching.
 * qcommit: Non versioned files are now selected by select all when they are
   shown. (Bug #490864, Gary van der Merwe)
 * Serbian translations added.


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 9 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
505990 #505990 Revision number field shows only 4 digits 2 Critical Alexander Belchenko  10 Fix Released
495519 #495519 qbrowse: rename item in subdirectory broken 3 High methane  10 Fix Released
497298 #497298 qannotate error when click below file content. 3 High Alexander Belchenko  10 Fix Released
503401 #503401 clipboard contents cleared when qbzr dialog closed 3 High Alexander Belchenko  10 Fix Released
503755 #503755 qbrowse: Drag and drop move crashes 3 High Alexander Belchenko  10 Fix Released
508281 #508281 qannotate: KeyError: Token.Literal.String.Regexp in pygments 3 High Gary van der Merwe  10 Fix Released
490864 #490864 qcommit: unversioned files are not checked by 'Select all' 4 Medium Gary van der Merwe  10 Fix Released
430253 #430253 Branch dialog does not have autocomplete on the "to" location 5 Low Ian Clatworthy  10 Fix Released
486843 #486843 "learning help" in qpull is too verbose 5 Low Ian Clatworthy  10 Fix Released
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