Registered by lindummy

Qjoypad is a simple Linux/QT program that let's you emulate keystrokes and the mouse with a joystick or gamepad. This is useful for gaming when you want to configure the controller your own way rather than how the programmers set it up. It is also very useful if you have a second display such as a television and you want to fast forward or rewind through videos. You can use a gamepad as a remote control and for browsing through files. With more computers becoming multimedia boxes, a program like Qjoypad comes in handy.

There are very few programs like this, few people work on them, and they seem to be vacant from many repos. No one is maintaining Qjoypad anymore so if you like the program and are interested in packaging it, please do it. There is a little fine-tuning that is needed such as adjusting the speed of the mouse more precisely and allowing a user to program the Esc key, but that is minor and most people should be fine with it as it is. It just needs to be packaged for now. Homepage:

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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