Registered by Kevin Lamonte

Qodem is a a terminal emulator that resembles the BBS-era Qmodem. Includes phonebook, scrollback, capture, X/Y/Zmodem, Kermit, ANSI (+ music) / Avatar / VT102 / Linux emulation, Unicode, and keyboard macros. Connects over serial, ssh, telnet, rlogin.

Qodem is an open-source re-implementation of the Qmodemâ„¢ shareware communications package. Its main features are:

    * Unicode display: translation of CP437 (PC VGA), ISO-8859-1, VT100 DEC Special Graphics characters, VT220 National Replacement Character sets, etc., to Unicode
    * Terminal interface: scrollback buffer, capture file, screen dump
    * Convenience: dialing directory, keyboard macros, external script support
    * Connection methods: serial, local shell, command line, telnet, ssh, rlogin, rsh
    * Emulations: ANSI (including "ANSI music"), Avatar, VT52, VT100/102, VT220, Linux, and XTerm
    * Transfer protocols: Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, and Kermit

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Kevin Lamonte
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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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