Registered by Kill Animals

A Video Message Board, programmed in Web Assembly, specializing in privacy, convenience, and low bandwidth.

I am currently designing a video platform called QtChan, programmed in WebAssembly. It is optimal especially if you are looking to save bandwidth.

0. Programmed in WebAssembly / Qt
- 12× faster than Javascript
- 12× nicer to code in.
- Desktop Client too if you want.

1. Separated Music + Video
- Download only Music, Video, or Both.
- Save Bandwidth!

2. Store Media locally
- Media loaded as Hash Keys.
- If your machine already has the Hash Key, meaning you have downloaded it before, then you pull locally.
- Capable of offline mode.
- Can be used to seed.

3. Seeding & Subscriptions
- Like a channel? Agree to seed its media.
- While you download, others can pull from your media, taking off the load on the main server.

4. Modelled after 4chan
- (you)'s are tracked with anonymous usernames:
>Username: 1230131230
>Password: ***
>VIP Pass: ***
>Jannie Passes: ***

5. Board Changes
>/r9k/ will be SFW virgins only.
>/b/ will be SFW.
>/soc/ will be SFW.
>"/ex/ Exhibitionist" created, for all of the /soc/ dick threads
>/god/ created for religion
>/pol/ bans porn
>/cel/ created for "ECelebs"

- Boards can have video channels you can sub to. "Linus Tech Tips" could be registered as:
- Threads exist directly on the board (will be deleted), or permanently on channels, corresponding to a video uploaded.
- Channel chooses its jannies.
- Channels can ban VIP hashes, Usernames, and IPs
- Can write comments by using Vim.

6. Monetisation
- QtChan VIP
- A portion VIP will be awarded to channels that offset bandwidth costs with seedscriptions
- Channels choose the ads they run, by them ad-subbing to a advertising channel.

My work so far has been extremely promising.

Project information

Kill Animals
Kill Animals

RDF metadata

View full history Series and milestones

trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Version control system:
Programming languages:
Qt, C++, Web Assembly

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QtChan does not have any download files registered with Launchpad.