Registered by Brian Hilmers

RASP is a set of tools for song production currently consisting of these handy features: tap tempo, delay calculator (with Hz), song time calculator, metronome, and a simple frequency generator. A perfect companion for LMMS.

Future plans for RASP include a better sound synthesis and GUI improvements (no blueprints yet).

Project information

Brian Hilmers
Not yet selected
Open Software Licence v 3.0

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Latest version is 2.5

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  • First Windows Build on 2013-05-04
    Thanks to PyInstaller there is now a Windows EXE available (see rasp-w-1.5.4....
  • Complete feature Set on 2012-08-15
    All the originally planned features for RASP are included in the 2.5 release....
  • All Main Features In Place on 2012-07-27
    RASP has now met all the preliminary design goals, with some new features nee...