Registered by Lakshmi Krishnamurthy

RegressionSuite is a software test suite that incorporates measurement of the startup lag, measurement of accurate execution times, generating execution statistics, customized input distributions, and processable regression specific details as part of the regular unit tests.

RegressionSuite is a software test suite that incorporates measurement of the startup lag, measurement of accurate execution times, generating execution statistics, customized input distributions, and processable regression specific details as part of the regular unit tests.

Essentially, RegressionSuite provides the frame-work around which the individual unit regressors are invoked (and details and statistics collected). Unit regressors are grouped into named regressor sets (or modules), and regressors are created by implementing specific regressor interfaces. These two features make regressors particularly amenable to testing analytics (and other similarly state-light) modules.

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Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
Not yet selected
Apache Licence

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2.3 series is the current focus of development.

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