Registered by Bart ten Brinke

A command line tool that analyzes request logfiles (e.g. Rails, Apache, MySQL, Delayed::Job) to produce a performance report.

This is a simple command line tool to analyze request log files in various formats to produce a performance report. Its purpose is to find what actions are best candidates for optimization.

- Analyzes log files. Currently supports: Amazon S3, Apache, Delayed::Job, Merb, Mysql, PostgreSQL, Rack, Rails and more.
- Combines multiple files and decompresses compressed files, which comes in handy if you are using logrotate.
- Uses several metrics, including cumulative request time, mean request time, process blockers, database and rendering time, HTTP methods and statuses, Rails action cache statistics, etc.) (Sample output:
- Low memory footprint and reasonably fast, so it is safe to run on a production server.
- MIT licensed

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Bart ten Brinke
Bart ten Brinke
MIT / X / Expat Licence

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