Registered by Tim

The Rocket web server is a server designed to handle the increased needs of modern web applications implemented in pure Python. It can serve WSGI applications and static files. Rocket has the ability to be extended to handle different types of networked request-response jobs. Rocket runs on cPython 2.5-3.x and Jython 2.5 (without the need to run through the 2to3 translation tool). Rocket is similar in purpose to Cherrypy's Wsgiserver but with added flexibility and concurrency.

Rocket Documentation is viewable at .

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MIT / X / Expat Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Latest version is 1.2.4

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  • Rocket 1.2.3 released on 2011-01-12
    Rocket 1.2.3 is a bugfix release that contains one major and one minor bugfix...
  • Rocket 1.2.2 on 2010-12-29
    Rocket 1.2.2 The focus of this release was easy speedups. Some changes are: ...
  • Rocket 1.2.1 Released on 2010-12-17
    This release has a few minor feature improvements but the focus of this relea...
  • Rocket 1.2 on 2010-12-01
    Rocket has evolved to version 1.2. This release has so many internal changes...
  • Rocket 1.1 and Legacy support on 2010-06-29
    Rocket 1.1 is released and allows you to serve files directly from the filesy...