rohc 2.1.0

* features:
    * TCP profile:
        * add support for context replication
    * all profiles:
       * use ACK(O) to speed the move to a higher compression state
       * add support for ROHC padding
       * add periodic refreshes based on inter-packet time
* continue improving CPU performances
    * improve tools for performance analysis
    * improve performances of RFC3095 and RFC6846 profiles
    * improve performances of the W-LSB algorithm
* packaging:
    * update RPM spec file
    * update Gentoo ebuild
* Q&A:
    * refactor the TCP compression profile
    * fix kernel build with up-to-date Linux kernels
    * fix warnings from GCC 7.2 and Clang 4.0
    * fix warnings from Clang Static Analyzer, cppcheck, CodeSonar and Coverity

Milestone information

Didier Barvaux
Release registered:
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5 Didier Barvaux
1 Implemented
1 Incomplete, 4 Fix Released

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download icon rohc-2.1.0.tar.xz (md5, sig) ROHC library 2.1.0 30
last downloaded 19 weeks ago
Total downloads: 30

Release notes 

* add support for context replication in TCP profile
* use ACK(O) to speed the move to a higher compression state
* add support for ROHC padding
* add periodic refreshes based on inter-packet time
* greatly improve CPU performances


View the full changelog

    - Version 2.1.0 is not guaranted to be 100% compatible with previous versions
      with respect to packet format of the TCP profile because of several fixes
      related to IETF RFCs that change the format of ROHC/TCP packets.
    - The library API is fully compatible with versions 2.0.x.

    - Didier Barvaux for Context Replication, ACK(0), CPU performances and
      Gentoo/RPM packaging
    - Viveris Technologies for ROHC padding, periodic refreshes based on time,
      and performance tools

  Acknowledgments for bug reports and/or bug fixes:
    Klaus Warnke, Mohammad Abyan Abdullah, Mikhail Gruzdev.

  Main changes:
    - TCP profile:
       - add support for context replication
    - all profiles:
       - use ACK(O) to speed the move to a higher compression state
       - add support for ROHC padding
       - add periodic refreshes based on inter-packet time
    - greatly improve CPU performances:
       - improve tools for performance analysis
       - improve performances of RFC3095 and RFC6846 profiles
       - improve performances of the W-LSB algorithm

    - update RPM spec file
    - update Gentoo ebuild

    - refactor the TCP compression profile
    - fix kernel build with up-to-date Linux kernels
    - fix warnings from GCC 7.2 and Clang 4.0
    - fix warnings from Clang Static Analyzer, cppcheck, CodeSonar and Coverity

1 blueprint and 5 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Add support for ROHC padding Add support for ROHC padding 3 Medium   11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1533247 #1533247 CRC errors on decompress 1 Undecided Didier Barvaux  1 Incomplete
1511685 #1511685 IPv6 flowlabel context update missing 4 Medium Didier Barvaux  10 Fix Released
1587011 #1587011 The decomp feature ROHC_DECOMP_FEATURE_CRC_REPAIR is not working 4 Medium Didier Barvaux  10 Fix Released
408982 #408982 performance: the library is too slow for production use 6 Wishlist Didier Barvaux  10 Fix Released
1458392 #1458392 add support for context replication 6 Wishlist Didier Barvaux  10 Fix Released
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