Registered by Patrick Dwyer

Santoku provides a consistent environment and editing tools for a range of common data storage and serialization formats, including CSV, YAML, and JSON.

A Santoku knife is the predominant Chef's knife; versatile, sharp and quick, with a good heft. The goal of the Santoku Editor project is to provide lightweight but powerful handling of common data storage formats that are typically relegated to text based editors with no integration of format specific operations and tools.

When working with formats like CSV on a day to day basis it is often necessary to manipulate the overall structure and layout of a document in a format aware manner -- after much searching and testing of various tools and techniques, it became apparent that an editor needed to be built to address this need. Santoku addresses this by combining support for a variety of common formats, making the addition of tools to work with these formats easy, and providing a framework for easily adding new formats.

Project information

Patrick Dwyer
Not yet selected

RDF metadata

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
Python, Objective-C


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