News and announcements

New experimental branch version-0.2

Written for ScanDraiD by quirxi on 2009-05-27

A new experimental branch 'version-0.2' was created today.
In this branch a new class design will be implemented and when it is stable it will be merged into the 'scandraid' branch.
The new class design splits the following steps in different structures/classes/methods in order to make the library design more flexible:
1. Read raw data from a movie or sequence of images and extract the scanlines.
2. Create/calculate vertices from the extracted scanlines.
3. Create/calculate faces from the vertices.
4. Create a mesh from the faces and vertices.
This class design will make it easier to manipulate/interface the data at any level.

Updated .

New developer joined the team.

Written for ScanDraiD by quirxi on 2009-05-08

Darius Blaszyk has joined the team. (He is actually the only one beside me :-) ). Since he has got more knowledge of graphic programming then the rest of us ( ;-) ) he will concentrate on the optimazation of the graphic routines in the code.

ScanDraiD added as a project to

Written for ScanDraiD by quirxi on 2009-03-27

ScanDraiD now added to the Ohloh source code website:

Internationalization implemented and german translation supplied.

Written for ScanDraiD by quirxi on 2009-03-18

Internationalization feature is implemented now.
Furthermore a first tranlsation in german was supplied.

Example jpeg frames for tests available for download.

Written for ScanDraiD by quirxi on 2009-03-11

Example jpeg frames are available for tests now in the download area (examplePics.tar.bz2).
You can generate a 3D file in AC3D format like that:
> ./ScanDraiD.exe -i=../examplePics/ -o=../examplePics/

Updated .

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