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2013 Planning Sprint Report

Written for SchoolTool Project by Tom Hoffman on 2013-02-14

2013 SchoolTool Planning Meetings

The week of January 27th, Justas Sadzevicius, Gediminas Paulauskas, Douglas Cerna and I met in Providence, RI to plan this year's development. Overall, the meetings went smoothly. We've all been working together for several years, and while two years ago we had to sketch out a complete re-design of the user interface, and last year we planned a ground up reimplementation of CanDo, this year we are planning a less ambitious variety of smaller refinements and enhancements to existing components.

In general, the developer roles break down with Justas handling most of the new development, Douglas focusing mostly on reports and being on call for bugfixing, and Gediminas handling release management, packaging and some quality assurance.

The one new feature we came up with, which solves a number of current and upcoming issues, is to convert the essentially unused "Home" tab to a newsfeed that will be familiar to, say, Facebook users. This will give teachers and administrators a place to be notified about the completion of long-running or scheduled tasks (reports, imports, etc), and also give students and parents updates on assignments, messages from teachers, etc.

Here's the planned monthly breakdown. Time estimates are highly estimated.


* Finish, test, refine asynchronous task management (aka, "celery").
* Set up printed reports to be generated ansynchronously.
* Implement basic notification and download page for printed reports.
* Write more reports (mostly CanDo).
* Make packaging changes necessary to handle the task management architecture.
* Change "Intervention" into "Goals" in the UI.


* Administrative roles remap (in response to user feedback):
  - Site Managers can only change Server settings.
  - School Administrators cannot edit most school data.
  - Clerks can edit most school data.
  - Note that people can have multiple roles.

March 7 -- 13.04 Feature Freeze

* Bug month for everyone.
* More reports.


* Split journal into two gradebooks: attendance & participation grades.
* Implement excused absences.
* Add homeroom periods.
* Add autofill menu widgets to gradebooks.
* Improve XLS import usability and prune old CSV imports.

April 25 -- 13.04 Release


* Set up some basic infrastructure for tracking the status of various things (enrollments, etc).
* Set up messaging infrastructure and UI (both person to person and system to person).
* More reports!


* Enrollment statuses within sections (e.g., enrolled, withdrawn, completed).
* Grade level implementation.
* Reports!


* Promotion workflow between school years (promoting students to the next grade level).
* Add CanDo skill goals to Goals.


* Year statuses:
  - If a year is in "setup" mode you can freely delete most objects.
  - If the year is "active" you can enter grades, etc., but not delete basic objects.
  - If the year is "archived" it is basically read-only.
* Newsfeed (see above).
* Improve group/section membership forms.


13.10 Feature Freeze

* Calendar improvments.
* Guided initial setup.


* Parent login.

13.10 Final Release

Updated .

SchoolTool Priorities for 2013

Written for SchoolTool Project by Tom Hoffman on 2013-02-14

Here's what we'll be working on this year in rough order by priority:

1) Finishing and releasing new infrastructure for reports and asynchronous tasks like long running imports, big reports, and scheduled events. This is more or less done but it is still a big packaging and testing job to get into the 13.04 Ubuntu release.

2) Timely bugfixes. We're not emphasizing big new development projects this year, so it will be easier to turn around bugs as they come in.

3) Many more and better designed printed reports.

4) More and better designed (more data graphics) web reports.

5) Integrating SchoolTool Quiz in our 13.10 release.

6) Iterating on existing components, particularly the attendance journal.

7) Medium sized new features -- parent login, student enrollment statuses, a few others.

8) Usability improvements to initial setup.

SchoolTool 2012 Report

Written for SchoolTool Project by Tom Hoffman on 2012-12-05


This was the Year of CanDo. We completely re-wrote CanDo from the ground up. It had been written mostly by high school students, and it was easier to start over than try to fix it in place. It needed a new data model to allow tracking of score revisions over time, UI update to fit SchoolTool's new design, better support for entering and editing skills through the web, and many other improvements to make it useful globally as a core feature of SchoolTool.

We had to have this ready to be deployed in production in 20 counties across Virginia this fall, and through close collaboration with our partners at the Arlington Career Center and Virginia CTE met that deadline and released CanDo as a standard component of SchoolTool 2.3 in October.

In that process we also spent a lot of time revising core SchoolTool functionality in response to feedback from Virginia, in particular re-designing our import spreadsheets to make that process more accessible.

Another big project has been to add an asynchronous task queue for long-running and scheduled tasks: data imports, report generation, sending emails, DB maintenance and such. The groundwork and initial implementation is done; it will be fully implemented and released in 2013.04.

Douglas learned the D3 JavaScript library and implemented some data graphics I designed for CanDo. We will be adding infographics to other parts of SchoolTool in 2013.

Justas improved support for LDAP authentication. In particular SchoolTool can one-click configure itself to work with the standard LDAP configuration used with Zentyal server (and in turn Edubuntu, if it becomes based on Zentyal as planned).

There were also many small fixes, changes and refinements following up the complete re-design of the UI released in November 2011.

Through the end of 2012 we are now focusing on printed reports, bringing both the plumbing and presentation in line with the rest of SchoolTool and expanding the selection for teachers and administrators.

Schwadesign did two contracts for us this year, a design guide for printed reports and a UX review of the setup process.

Jeff Elkner personally funded development of a SchoolTool Quiz module by Douglas (in the evening and weekends, mostly). This will probably be made available in our PPA in 2013.


CanDo continues to be the case study of how a collaboration between a team of open source developers can work with educators. It was adopted by several of the largest (and most open source doubting) counties in Virginia this year and is playing an increasingly high stakes role in student and teacher evaluation. Through much of the summer we held Google Hangouts between the developers and our lead contacts in VA several times a week. On the other hand, CanDo sucked up most of our bandwidth for most of the year, limiting outreach in other areas.

At this point we have two substantial commercial deployments of SchoolTool which are fairly opaque to us. There is the Critical Links Education Appliance. We sent Justas to Portugal to help them update the version they distribute to 2.1. New this year was the Intelli deployment in the Philippines, where they are using SchoolTool to manage a system to send SMS messages to parents based on attendance. PoV did customization work for them.

One small commercial deployment in Thailand, via, has produced a lot of useful feedback from just one school, and we have managed to release several fixes to issues they have raised. Hopefully they will be able to grow to serve more schools.

We have not found the BIG developing world rollout. Longstanding relationships with people in Cambodia and Nigeria continue to be stuck, we are still in contact periodically. The promising OLE Nepal pilot conducted last year concluded that the rural schools where they conducted the tests simply did not yet have the capacity or need for an online management system. We have a number of contacts in other countries, but it is a slow and uncertain process. I would note that we are not losing out to other products in these cases, just that the projects fail to launch.

Based on user contacts, individual school installations have increased, but not dramatically.

Development Plan for 2013

The main theme is to iterate on existing components and respond to user requests and bug reports quickly. There is plenty to do.

We are going to work quickly to get our asynchronous task queue architecture into the 13.04 repositories. I do not think we will have to build additional packages, but we will need to test against some already in Ubuntu.

We are looking at JuJu and trying to figure out if a cloud strategy based around it makes sense for SchoolTool. We have a basic working charm.


CanDo seems to be the most marketable part of SchoolTool at this point, particularly among schools that have the wherewithal to implement it and potentially pay for customization or support. Now that the code is settled, we need to focus on documenting and promoting CanDo for US career and technical education as well as systems using outcomes-based methods worldwide.

SchoolTool 2.3 & CanDo Released

Written for SchoolTool Project by Tom Hoffman on 2012-10-24

The SchoolTool team is happy to announce the release of SchoolTool 2.3, including the first public release of the CanDo.

Since 2005, SchoolTool developers have collaborated with educators at the Arlington Career Center and Virginia Career and Technical Education Resource Center on CanDo, an application to support their complex skill tracking requirements in schools across the commonwealth.

This year we completely re-wrote CanDo to make it equally useful to schools outside of Virginia and to bring it up to date with SchoolTool's interface design.

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SchoolTool 2.1 Lands in the Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Universe.

Written for SchoolTool Project by Tom Hoffman on 2012-04-26

Last November, the SchoolTool development team released SchoolTool 2.0, a complete re-thinking of our student information system, emphasizing clarity and efficiency. Schools and service providers around the world quickly embraced these improvements.

Today, SchoolTool 2.1 brings these changes and further refinements to users of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) with one-step installation through the Ubuntu Software Center.

SchoolTool is a 100% free and open source web based solution for student enrollment, demographics, grading, attendance, calendaring and more.

SchoolTool 2.1 is primarily a stability and bugfix release, with the following new features:

* ID photos for people.
* Printable photo ID templates.
* Improved person search.
* Standard sets of gradebook activites for courses.
* Updated translations.

SchoolTool 2.1 packages for selected earlier versions of Ubuntu will be released to SchoolTool's Launchpad package archives in coming weeks.

Learn more at

Installation instructions at

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