Registered by Mikhail Titov

Original software supplied with watch is limited by MS Windows only. This projects makes it possible to extract data from watch on any platform as long as there is a driver for SiLabs CP2102 USB-UART driver and python-serial available.

A command line interface can be used to extract tracks data from watch. Simple D-Bus based listener can assist with automatic extraction. Optionally conversion can be performed to popular formats such as KML, GPX, TCX, etc.

You are welcome to improve data format description if you find it inaccurate.

The long term goals is to modularize the design making it possible to reuse code as a plugin for various software to track fitness activities. You are welcome to share some ideas on that.

This project lacks icons/graphics. If you feel like you can sketch a couple of icons (disconnected, connected, extraction), it would be great.

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Mikhail Titov
Mikhail Titov

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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