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ScilabGtk is a Gtk+ version of Scilab, based on the official Scilab BUILD4 distribution. It aims at maintaining the Gtk+ port of Scilab instead of the default X11 graphical user interface. It can be compiled on Linux, or MacOSX-X11-Fink, or MacOSX-X11-MacPorts, or Windows-Cygwin. A set of binary packages are available for popular platforms (such as Linux Fedora, Debian, MacOSX, Windows). Note that the Win32 Windows binary have been obtained by cross-compilation on a Linux host, from a unique source code. Note also that the Scilab consortium team does not maintain ScilabGtk.


   * Initial design: (called Basile) F. Delebecque, S. Steer, with contributions by C. Bunks (Signal Processing), C. Lemarechal (Optimization), J.P. Chancelier (X11 Graphics, port to Lisp Machine) ...
    * Development: Scilab Group F. Delebecque (kernel, libraries), J.P. Chancelier (graphics, kernel, Windows version), C. Gomez and M.Goursat (Metanet), R. Nikoukhah (Scicos), S. Steer (kernel, graphics, Scicos), and contributions by B. Pincon (Code improvements), E. Segre and F. Vogel (Scipad editor),
    * Scilab Consortium: Scilab 4 distribution under the responsibility of C.Gomez and S.Steer (Windows packaging, Graphic editor, Distribution).
    * ScilabGtk distribution: J.P. Chancelier(Gtk support, updates, cross compilation), F.Delebecque, B. Pincon and J.P. Quadrat (updates).

A more complete history can be found on the Scicos site.

ScilabGtk incorporates some toolboxes (in particular MaxPlus arithmetic toolbox by S. Gaubert and J.P. Quadrat ) formerly available as contributions in the standard Scilab distribution.

ScilabGtk 4.2 incorporates the latest version of Scicos i.e version 4.2.1.

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(Covered by Scilab 4.xx License ( )

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