Registered by Chris Eineke

SDL++ is a set of layered C++ bindings to SDL 1.2, the Simple Direct Media Library, one of the most ubiquitous cross-platform multimedia libraries available. SDL++ creates a C++ namespace for SDL functions, incorporates exceptions into the SDL API, provides resource-managing wrapper classes, and tops it all off with a mechanism for decentralized and type-safe event dispatch and handling.

If you're interested in joining the SDL++ development team, you should a have a good understanding of C++ and the language's templating system. Some familiarity with features provided by boost and tr1 is recommended, but not strictly necessary. Optionally, you should also be experienced in video game programming. SDL is after all targeted at multimedia applications, which are foremost cross-platform video games.

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Chris Eineke
Not yet selected
Simplified BSD Licence

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1.2-devel series is the current focus of development.

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Latest version is private-to-public-migration

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