OpenStack Searchlight newton-3 "n3"

Milestone information

OpenStack Searchlight
Code name:
Travis Tripp
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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1 GB21, 4 Rick Aulino, 5 Steve McLellan, 2 Travis Tripp, 2 Tyr Johanson, 1 Zhenyu Zheng
12 Implemented
3 Fix Released

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12 blueprints and 3 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Allow reindexing to new mapping without service APIs Allow reindexing to new mapping without service APIs 4 High Rick Aulino  11 Implemented
Cross Region Searching Cross Region Searching 4 High Steve McLellan  11 Implemented
Display ES Indices Display ES Indices 4 High Rick Aulino  11 Implemented
Modularize the Searchlight UI into a library and panels that use it Modularize the Searchlight UI into a library and panels that use it 4 High Tyr Johanson  11 Implemented
Performance enhancement for Searchlight indexing Performance enhancement for Searchlight indexing 4 High Rick Aulino  11 Implemented
Add 'count' endpoint Add 'count' endpoint 3 Medium Steve McLellan  11 Implemented
Add Nova Flavor Plugin Add Nova Flavor Plugin 3 Medium GB21  11 Implemented
Add Nova Server Groups Plugin Add Nova Server Groups Plugin 3 Medium Zhenyu Zheng  11 Implemented
Allow searchlight-manage index sync --type to accept all plugins for a service Allow searchlight-manage index sync --type to accept all plugins for a service 3 Medium Steve McLellan  11 Implemented
Allow the ability to make aggregation queries Allow the ability to make aggregation queries 3 Medium Steve McLellan  11 Implemented
Disable hypervisors by default because they don't have notifications. When enabled, put warning in indexing message. Disable hypervisors by default because they don't have notifications. When enabled, put warning ... 3 Medium Travis Tripp  11 Implemented
Expose _version in search results Expose _version in search results 3 Medium Steve McLellan  11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1583681 #1583681 Plugin info API should add listener alias in result 3 High Rick Aulino  10 Fix Released
1613313 #1613313 Searchlight Ui throws duplicate key error on frontend 3 High Tyr Johanson  10 Fix Released
1616632 #1616632 Searchlight UI Not able to set sort options 4 Medium Travis Tripp  10 Fix Released
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