Registered by Vladimir Kolev

ServMin is easy to use application designed to be in use of web-developers, allowing them to control and configure their servers in comfortable GUI way.

The application is still in very early stages of development, but any help will be appreciated. The main goals are to provide:
- Configuration models, so the users cool choose different configuration (e.g. xampp, lighttpd+postregsql+proftpd ... etc)
- Basing and advanced editing of the configurations. That means: including all possible options in a single or many configurations dialogs will make the application too complicated - the most significant options will be included in the GUI, for the rest, the a dialog with the content of the configuration file will be opened, so the user could edit it.
- Most of the time webdevelopers don't need to see the configuration dialog, so a System Tray icon is planned, after some of the basic functionailty is implemented.

Project information

Vladimir Kolev
Vladimir Kolev
MIT / X / Expat Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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