Registered by Davide Guerri

Socorro is an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) database implementation optimized for OpenStack to build an operational management database.

Socorro is an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) database implementation optimized for OpenStack to build an operational management database.

Among others, it collects data from KVM, VMWare, Swift, Ironic and Nova.
Socorro has a pluggable architecture and it is easily extendible adding more data providers.

Socorro collects data from a number of sources using agents (Providers, in the Socorro terminology). Each provider extracts data from authoritative systems, produce a JSON document with a well-defined format and send it to the central collecting facility (Collector) using the AMQP protocol.

Using standard technologies (as RDF and SPARQL) Socorro provides a powerful API to the end user. On top of this interface, Socorro provides two separate web GUI.
A general purpose interface which can be used by operator to perform queries and browse replies exploring links between resources.
A set of web interfaces, each of which addressing specific use cases. For instance Socorro will provide a data center view through which an operator can visually browse a data center (e.g., browsing racks, chassis, nodes, network devices).

Project information

Davide Guerri
Davide Guerri
Apache Licence

RDF metadata

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