1.1.4 Misc new features and bug fixes

Written for SOFA Statistics by Grant Paton-Simpson on 2012-02-24

Added lower and upper quartiles to Row Stats report tables.
Box plots now start y-axis from just below the minimum y value of the data unless the content is close enough to the bottom of the graph to make it worth using 0 anyway.
Showing the percent sign in percent columns for report tables is now optional - which is good news for many dissertation students.
SOFA now displays value labels sorted by the numerical version of numbers even if stored as text. So no more 1, 11, 2,3 etc in cases where people have stored the number as a Text data type.
Added some more valid US date formats using dot dividers.
New help button for importing data.
New help button to advise on how to make of flexible data filters.
English translations are handled better (no more messages about not having US English and using UK English instead etc).

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