Registered by cato

a quick and dirty spider to download some mp3 files from a radio station site. They all are CC licensed, it's all strictly legal.

What we would like to attempt is to distribute such a collection of files with new means such as BitTorrent and/or Downpour (

Because, as users of that radio, we are not satisfied with their current on line presence model and they tend to move as a Soviet ministry rather than a medium with a fading business model

this is the first time at all for me to set up an open source project on like like this. Please be patient.

The RadioRadicale site has a page for every event they recorded. Each of these pages contains one or more downloadable mp3 files for 30 days or so. After that there's only a mp3 stream available. Some day it could be reasonable to make this script download the streamed files too.

The idea is to make this script run every day and mirror the publishings of the day.

There's one only class representing a single page, so each instance will be responsible for downloading the file(s) for a single page.

The main loop grabs the URLs from an rss feed and instantiates the instances

There are some archival informations on each page (who did partecipate to the event, who organized it, what the subjects etc) and I'd like to grab those and store them in some mp3 tags.

The aim is to replicate the archive with as much fidelity as possible.

There's a skeleton, I tested it one time only. The main issues now are writing some unit tests and move the whole thing to Hudson.

Later on I'd like to move to some asynchronous stuff such as those greenlet based cute libraries (I can't recall their names now), I decided to ditch Twisted because I couldn't figure it out.

The only reason why I'm using launchpad is that I started with Bazaar and I don't want to bother to migrate to anything else. Also I use an Ubuntu based desktop day by day and I foresee some comfort in using Bazaar/launchpad.

Also I think the contributors to this project are gonna be Italian so I have no clear reason why I'm writing in English

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Creative Commons - Attribution Share Alike

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spiderRR does not have any download files registered with Launchpad.