Registered by peterubuntu

Op 6 juli om 9u30 tot 12u en van 14u tot 16u is er een installatie bijeenkomsten waar we jullie graag willen helpen om een linux distributie op je pc te zetten Meer info op : LINUXAVANSA.BLOGSPOT.COM View the Meeting Home Page

09:30 CEST on Wednesday, 2022-07-06
16:30 CEST on Wednesday, 2022-07-06
Oc-deboeie Kerkstraat 35 1ste verdieping 8400 Oostende

Meeting drivers

Each meeting has a person, or team, responsible for deciding which items are accepted for the agenda. This team is called the "meeting driver" and for Install party oostende they are:

You should contact the meeting driver if you have any additional questions about the structure or agenda of the meeting.


Latest 5 additions to the meeting agenda

There are a total of 0 specifications on the meeting agenda. There are 4 specifications proposed which the organisers will review. You can view the full current agenda here.


No attendees yet registered.