Registered by James Gangur

Editor and SDK for the SQEE (Sassy Quick Expandable Engine) RPG engine.

A PyQt5 application that can be used to edit assets for the SQEE RPG engine. This includes:
 - Editing cells
 - Editing skins
 - Editing scripts
 - Composing animations

It can also be used for validating many other types of game content.

All code is released GPL3, except for the the bundled PyQt5, SIP, and PyOpenGL. They are released under their respective liscences. Assets (textures, meshes, skins, cells, worlds) in this repository are released public domain, use them however.

Project information

James Gangur
James Gangur
GNU GPL v3, Public Domain

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Python 3.4

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