
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
STK-Unit 2.0.0 "fury" 2.0.x None not yet released Note that this ms depends on Macros, from STK/C.
STK-Unit 1.1.0 1.1.x None not yet released When 1.0 will be stable, no more features will be added - only bug fixes. Mos...
STK-Unit 1.0.0-rc6 1.0.x None
STK-Unit 1.0.0-rc2 "landing" 1.0.x None
STK-Unit 1.0-rc3 1.0.x None
STK-Unit 1.0-rc1 1.0.x None
STK-Unit 1.0 1.0.x None not yet released
STK-Unit 1.0.0-rc5 1.0.x 2013-06-13
STK-Unit 1.0.0-rc4 1.0.x 2013-05-01