Registered by Antonio Carlos Fernández Álvarez

swiggle is a small command line tool that generates HTML pages, including thumbnail indexes, for given images (a so called "web gallery"). It's intended to be easy to use, and since it is written in C, it's quite speedy. It uses libjpeg for decompression and compression of images, libexif for getting EXIF information contained in the images, and it caches scaled images so that subsequent runs don't need to scale images again and are faster. Of course, the original images aren't changed.

Currently, it only processes JPEG images, and it's thought to be used primarily with images taken with digital cameras.

swiggle was developed on FreeBSD and runs on FreeBSD, Linux and AIX (people have reported some problems on Linux that I wasn't able to reproduce - patches and bugfixes are very welcome). It may run on other Un*x variants, too, but that wasn't tested yet.

swiggle is Open Source software.

You can contribute making the man page as first step.
Besides, it would be brilliant if someone could write in orden both the sources files (*.c) and the header files (*.h), since they aren't completely correct.
Other posibility woulb consist in making html pages a bit more modern.

Project information

Antonio Carlos Fernández Álvarez
Not yet selected
Simplified BSD Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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