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TagPlayer 0.2.06

Written for TagPlayer by filipe on 2011-02-22

It took a while but the next release of TagPlayer is ready. To make up for the wait I decided to release only when I had enough worthwhile features as well as ironed out a couple of small but annoying bugs. So, in 0.2.06 I added:

- Ubuntu Sound Menu support
- Multimedia Keys support
- Faster and more stable player
- Search box

The Ubuntu Sound Menu support is clearly the most important new feature, and the one that took the most time (needlessly, most of the time derived from the lack of documentation on the python-dbus/mpris2 specifics), but hopefully it is working flawlessly. This addition means the AppIndicator is now gone, but it can come back as a choosable setting if there is demand.
Multimedia keys were a requested feature and one that was most welcome after I found out one of my keyboards had them. They are quite handy sometimes.
The player code was messy and bloated, and altough I haven't been able to properly rewrite it I fixed enough of it so it wouldn't pose a usability issue.
Finally, I added a little search box that filters the tags presented to the user because huge libraries lead to huge number of tags and I though this would be a nice way to help the user. Plus, I don't think it hurts the interface's looks.

Planned for the next (non-bugfix) release is another requested feature that I though would be very useful: multiple library locations. No one should be forced to keep all music in the same folder!

Any requests and bug reports (or even random questions) are very welcome and I'll try to reply as fast as possible (especially on the bugs). Thanks for all the feedback!

TagPlayer 0.2.05

Written for TagPlayer by filipe on 2011-02-01

It's been a while since the last release (not enough free time to dedicate to this) so here's something to help while the next proper improvements: better player backend (those play/next buttons aren't quite as responsive as they should be) and Ubuntu Sound Menu integration aren't ready.
There's a fix for a nasty bug regarding libraries on removable media (one that hopefully hasn't been experienced by anyone other than me), notifications on track change and appindicator support. The icon isn't tagplayer's logo because the python api for appindicator doesn't support custom icons yet, but it shouldn't be a problem because I plan to dump appindicator as soon as Ubuntu Sound Menu integration is complete (it just feels a lot more natural than yet another indicator). By the way, I know the logo is ugly, but my design skills are non-existant and any suggestions are welcome. As always, keep the bug reports coming!

TagPlayer 0.2.04

Written for TagPlayer by filipe on 2011-01-02

In the tradicional FOSS spirit of "release early, release often" here is yet another release. Some more fixes to deal with bugs and improve the overall feel.
Thanks to all who filed bug reports and keep them coming, it's the best way to push the app forward, any sugestions are also always welcome.

TagPlayer 0.2.01

Written for TagPlayer by filipe on 2010-12-30

Following the recent (and rather buggy) 0.1 release, this version is leaning a lot more towards stability. Get it from the project page or add the PPA .
As always, all bugs and questions are very welcome!

Updated . Read more

TagPlayer 0.1

Written for TagPlayer by filipe on 2010-12-29

First release of TagPlayer!
The UI shouldn't suffer many changes since simplicity is one of the goals.
First run can take a long time depending on your library size since it needs to make lots of api calls to The library is built asynchronously and becomes available as it is processed. The library isn't updated when files are removed yet.
All bug reports/questions/sugestions are appreciated (file them at the Launchpad).

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