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110 of 27 releases

1.91 (Stahl) release from the gtk3 series released

Release information
Release notes:

No significant new features. Just minor enhancements and lots and lot of fixes.


    * Update and fixes for the generic terminator.spec file used by
      downstreams for RPM generation
    * Allow the use of larger separator sizes (Egmont Koblinger,
    * Add the gruvbox light/dark palettes as themes.
    * Updated the preferences window to a modern version of glade.
      Better spacing, layout etc.
    * Fix the background transparency, also allowing per theme
      CSS fixes and styling tweaks. (LP#1599453)
    * Enable the use of the hyper key as a modifier in shortcuts.
      (Steven Keuchel, LP#1362229)
    * Displays confirmation dialog when a single term is
      zoomed/maximised (minoru/shiraeeshi, LP#1531933)
    * Add keywords entry to the desktop file (Julián Moreno Patiño,
    * Add subtrees to custom commands menu - just add '/' to split
    * Normalise display name when creating DBus name (Andrea
      Corbellini, LP#1267195)
    * Remove auto-capitalisation of profiles in menu and add sorting

  Bug Fixes
    * Fix missing dependencies in debian/control (LP#1644155,
    * Fix terminator not working with default python3 by forcing
      python2 (LP#1621156)
    * Update some places where the old homepage was still mentioned.
    * Fix the regression of the initial scrollbar state not being
      set (LP#1645704)
    * Fix using ~ (home dir) over DBus (LP#1646034)
    * Fix the middle mouse button not getting passed to tmux.
    * Fix oversized splitter bar hover area for Adwaita and any other
      theme that does this. (LP#1647292)
    * Fix some strange behaviour when clicking on the trough of a
      scale (i.e. stepping) The previous value gets read, not the
    * Fix the GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent message
      (Egmont Koblinger, LP#1518066)
    * Fix a couple of other transient parent errors.
    * At least /try/ to include all the theme specific css files in
    * Fix cwd for new windows on FreeBSD (Eric Badger, LP#1650306)
    * Fix terminal shot plugin to work with GTK3 (Vineeth Raj)
    * Fix the logger plugin (Eric Badger, LP#1652143)
    * Fix system fonts to pull values from dconf, not gconf
    * Fix translation strings that could cause problems for some
      languages (LQ#408095)
    * Fix separators in popup menus on newer Gtk/Adwaita (Erika,
    * Fix searchbar not looking prior to the configured lines when
      using infinite scrollback (Eric Johnson, LP#1471369)
    * Fix '0xffff' in keybindings prefs when a binding is previously
      set to Disabled
    * Update embedded css selectors to also be GTK 3.20+ compatible
      using nodes (Iain Lane)
    * Fix focus/z-order issue introduced by gtk3 port (Saber
      Rastikerdar, LP#805870)
    * Fix for old windows popping to the front when new windows are
    * Fix scrollwheel actions on the tabs not working anymore
    * Fix incorrect sizing of sub windows when there's no titlebar
      (Emilio Pozuelo Monfort, LP#1646257)
    * Reapplication of select on copy fix that didn't get applied
      to gtk3 (LP#1652931)
    * Fix for getting two different resizes of the terminal which
      vim wasn't handling well (LP#1646293)
    * Fix the cwd of a second instance launched by exo-open/Thunar
    * Fix an exception with an unexpected keyword getting passed
      to set_cursor
    * Fix the version introspection capture by exception
      (Emilio Pozuelo Monfort, LP#1574399)
    * Fix to stop panes nudging on performing a normal split due to
      the ratio float not accounting for the handle size
    * Fix vte object not being released properly, and holding open
      hidden /tmp files (LP#785501, LP#1645500)
    * Fix versions of Gtk where some CSS pseudo elements are not
      parsed and application will not load. Note that entire file is
      then ignored (LP#1663669)
    * Fix/bodge for strange race condition where every so often
      get_length returns 1 (LP#1655027)
    * Fix remotinator get_tab_title for tabs with more than a single
      terminal (Nix, LP#1579445)
    * Fix custom_command and always_split_with_profile to work
      together (Nix, LP#1600609)
    * Fix regex's needing MULTILINE flag to prevent libvte 0.44
      throwing warnings (LP#1560989)
    * Fix an invalid call to get_child() rather than the correct
      get_children()[0] for a window
    * Fix patterns for url matching to handle IPv6 as host
    * Fix exception when adding new profile in prefs (LP#1521301)
    * Fix new windows opening in the background (note that some will
      think this is bad) (LP#1646437)

File Description Downloads
download icon terminator-1.91.tar.gz (md5, sig) Tweaked filename for packagers 52,076
last downloaded 5 days ago
Total downloads: 52,076

1.9 (salivation) release from the gtk3 series released

Release information
Release notes:

OK folks. This is your chance. An honest to goodness (pre-)release of the GTK3 version of Terminator. Please use this if you possibly can, and provide fixes if you have the skills. If you have a bug that you can't fix and you think it is serious enough that it really should be fixed before the big 2.0, then assign it the tag "release-blocker". If I agree, I'll target it to the milestone.

Looking here for show-stoppers, as I'm well aware that Terminator has lots of strange little nooks and crannies that display strange behaviour when it's the second Thursday of a month with 30 days.


terminator 1.90 (note: includes most of the 0.98 release fixes too):
    * Layout launcher with option or shortcut (Steve Boddy)
    * An all-new manual! Default to F1 key (Steve Boddy)
    * Now uses GTK3 + up-to-date VTE thanks to initial port by Egmont
      Koblinger, and fixup by various people
    * Thanks to a few patches we should also work under Wayland, with
      a few limitations

    * Layout launcher reloads config when opened to be sure it has the
      latest layouts (Steve Boddy)
    * Reload the config before we write to it or we could overwrite
      something from another instance (Steve Boddy)
    * When saving, a layout now remembers:
      * maximised and fullscreen status (Steve Boddy)
      * window titles (Steve Boddy, LP#1192960)
      * which tab was active (Steve Boddy)
      * which terminal was active (Steve Boddy, LP#858268)
      * working directory for each terminal (MoMaT, LP#1157422) plus
        additional GUI code (Steve Boddy)
    * Add vertical scrollbars to the Profiles and Layouts tabs in
      Preferences (LP#1396843)
    * Pull in updated translations from trunk
    * Remove pointless horizontal scrollbar from Layout Launcher
    * Merge Activity Watcher plugin improvements from Joseph Crosland
      (with additional GTK3 fixes)
    * Add Ctrl+MouseWheel Zoom in/out and Shift+MouseWheel page scroll
    * Show application if --new-tab passed, although needs currently
      broken dbus (LP#1367680)
    * Merge search bar wrap toggle (Christophe Bourez)
    * Add Ctrl+Shift+mousewheel and Ctrl+Super+mousewheel actions to
      zoom receivers or all terminals
    * Default broadcast behaviour toggle by (Jiri/jtyr, #1288835)
    * Allow running tests via `python test`
    * Major cleanup and reorganisation of the preferences window.
    * Global setting for changing the titlebar font (partially from
      Eli Zor branch), but expanded and improved (docs/GUI), plus some
      minor fixup from this.
    * Add shortcuts for next/prev profile (Peter E Lind, LP#1314734)
    * Dual solution for cwd based on comments 36 & 37 by Egmont
      Koblinger in LP#1030562
    * Add 'Save' button for saving to the selected Layout (Ariel
    * Preselect the current layout when opening Prefs window, and also
      save config after using the layout 'Save' button (Steve Boddy)
    * Set some default shortcuts based on my preference (Steve Boddy)
    * Add high contast icons, make the main window icon loading work
      better, and respect the theme changes (Steve Boddy, LP#305579)
    * Additional windows icon loading works better, and respect the
      theme changes (LP#305579)
    * Adjust the config section name to InactivityWatch for
      InactivityWatch class
    * Add a new setting for ActivityWatch to set the time between
      activty notifications
    * BIG update to translations, due to additions and changes.
    * Make the random default group names translatable
    * Add and improve the mnemonics in the group menu
    * Slight change to how the zoomed font is calculated.
    * can install the manual (and by extension do can
    * has (inactive) code for generating the html from the
      source but this will break if rtd theme is not available
    * A few changes to doc strings to make the autodoc prettier
    * Added help shortcut, by default F1 to open the local manual
    * Added button to About tab (in Prefs window) to launch manual
    * Small tweak to to seperate build and install, and
      always attempt to install manual by default.
    * Sort entries in config file, so they don't jump around every
      time config is saved for easier troubleshooting
    * Start 'New Layout #' from 1. Looked strange starting at 2
    * Add fallback to psutils to discover the cwd of a terminal (Heon
    * Add an internationalised AppData file for software installers
    * Adjustment to the way alternatives are set up that should cure
      blurry/incorrect icons in task switchers
    * Some updates to the hicolor version of other window icons to
      remove placeholders, and add svg versions of the status and
      action icons
    * As part of GTK3 fixup, some improvements to the DBus interface,
      and remotinator (Steve Boddy)
      * Can now open a window or tab using remotinator
      * Can get the window uuid, or title using remotinator
      * Moved new tab key handling into the terminal for consistency
      * Standardise response when a new term is created (split, win
        or tab) to reply with new terms uuid
      * For GTK3 gave the DBus a slightly different name so they it
        can run at same time as GTK2
      * remotinator now uses argparse for commandline option handling,
        vastly improving the option handling
      * remotinator help strings are translatable now
    * Update the translations to include the new strings in the
      improved remotinator command
    * Reimplement visual flash that got removed from libvte, reusing
      the DnD overlay to flash the terminal (gtk2->gtk3)
    * Set window geometry hints to off by default. The constant
      trickle of problems it causes are annoying (LP#1498833)
    * Actually set the DBUs interface to on by default. For some
      reason it wasn't active by default.
    * Add option to toggle the rewrap on resize (Egmont Koblinger,
    * Add word chars back in if VTE is 0.40+ (Egmont Koblinger,
    * Make Zoom/Maximize inactive if a single terminal (Egmont
      Koblinger, LP#1518081)
    * Add dimming for 256 colour palettes (Egmont Koblinger,
    * Update TERM/COLORTERM to more modern values (Egmont Koblinger,
    * Change the scroll_on_output default to false (Egmont Koblinger,
    * PuTTY paste mode (Nemilya, LP#1416682) with some alterations
      (Steve Boddy)
    * Updated and grouped default shortcuts in man page (Steve Boddy)
    * Added smart copy mode switch to prefs (Steve Boddy, LP#1223129)
    * Merge feature branch for tab/terminal title editing (Haim
      Daniel, LP#1417747)
    * Added radio options to the Cursor colour to make it easier to
      go back to the XOR'd foreground colour (Steve Boddy,
    * Move manual online, as distro packagers were stripping it out,
      and remove associated scripting (Steve Boddy)
    * Remotinator now uses the same version number as terminator
      (Steve Boddy)

  Bug Fixes
    * Fix <Mod>+double-click to not rebalance splitters (Steve Boddy,
    * Fix closing a group to no longer leaves strays (Steve Boddy,
    * Fix shader so it works for background images too (Steve Boddy,
    * Fix x-terminal-emulator option (Neal Fultz, LP#366644)
    * Fix lost geom when using -H option (Steve Boddy, LP#1035617)
    * Fix maximise in Fluxbox. Possibly also Windows w/Xming too
      (Steve Boddy, LP#1201454)
    * Fix lack of focus on unhide with patch from (Pavel Khlebovich,
    * Fix the Group All/Tab shortcuts where titlebars were not updated
      (Steve Boddy, LP#1242675)
    * Fix splits not being central mith multiple tabs (Justin
      Ossevoort, LP#1186953)
    * Fix startup error (undefined variable) on non-composited
    * Fix titlebar label preventing scaling down titlebars by wrapping
      whole box in a viewport.
    * Fix Custom Commands Dialog from David Chandler + fixes for GTK3
    * Fix custom commands broadcast to grouped terminals (Mauro S M
      Rodrigues, LP#1414332)
    * Fix focus grabbing from the GTK3 port.
    * Remove old flag based HAS_FOCUS usage from unused method of
      terminator class
    * Fix the scroll up/down key bindings to use gtk3 method
    * Fix getting the handle size (gtk2->gtk3 diff)
    * Fix scrollbar doubleclick rebalancing (LP#1423686)
    * Fix allocations (no longer an attribute) when balancing
      (gtk2->gtk3 diff)
    * Fix allocations not having the x,y position just w,h (gtk3 bug?
      gtk2->gtk3 diff?)
    * Fix pid for spawning now forking is deprecated, but returns are
      different (vte 0.36 -> 0.38)
    * Fix xterm color palette to match xterm (LP#1260924)
    * Fix for moving between terminals, checks for overlap. So far
      never selects wrong terminal (LP#1433810)
    * Fix search broken by port because returns are now different
      (gtk2->gtk3 and vte 0.36 -> 0.38)
    * Fix for confirm close dialog (judgedreads)
    * Fix in get_allocation override to prevent exceptions/hung
      process on exiting with close button.
    * Fix distcheck and improvements to tests
    * Fix debugserver work with two or more -d flags, not three or
    * Fix URL opening. Little too much removed in original port,
      meaning one click = two copies of page opened.
    * Fix the drag-and-drop of terminals/text back to pre-port
      functionality - a real pain this one (gtk2->gtk3)
    * Fix drag and drop of files (Schplurtz le Déboulonné, LP#1311481)
      and some tweaks (Steve Boddy)
    * Fix a few prefs widget alignments as per GNOME visual guidelines
    * Fix slightly uneven splits on shortcut due to handle size,
      though this will make previously saved layouts off by a few
      pixels (Steve Boddy, LP#1089162)
    * Fix typo in man page (Michael Eller, LP#1296725)
    * Fix font lookups for people with unpopulated gconf database
      (i.e. KDE) (Steve Boddy, LP#1476072)
    * Fix the preferences window to be translated (LP:#1245806)
    * Fix a default shortcut that was a bit garbled
    * Fix the group radio buttons after mnemonics additions broke them
    * Fix for setting urgent flag on window for highlight in task bar
    * Fix the problem with tabs not being named where a window with
      splits creates a new tab
    * Fix slider widget in Prefs>Global, which was filling the whole
      trough, unlike the one right above it.
    * Fix issue with Super+double-click on a splitter failing if tabs
      were in use
    * Fix buttons in the layout tab to stop them from being hidden by
      the slider
    * Fix composed characters when broadcast is turned on to appear in
      all receivers now (LP#1463704)
    * Fix the zoom/maximise terminal function (gtk2->gtk3)
    * Remove the old_padding and allocation stuff from the zoom_scaled
      function in terminal which isn't used anyway
    * Remove another unneeded assignment in is_zoomed function in
    * Fix for systems (i.e. my 12.04 LTS) that don't set LANGUAGE for
      whatever reason. This breaks the manual lookup
    * Fix launcher opening after a dbus enabled window is already open
      (DBUS in GTK3 still FIXME)
    * Crude workaround for the fact that debian wants to compress
      fonts used by the manual
    * Fix the high contrast icons, where I accidentally included a
      grey, semi-transparent background
    * Fix a lingering usage of GTK2 style constant when setting the
      last resort icon.
    * Fix Custom Commands to use the standard gerr function instead of
      the broken local one
    * Fix the DBus interface (gtk2-gtk3)
    * Disable the wm_class feature. Seems not possible in GTK3, and
      breaks the DBus call for new_window.
    * Workaround intltools inability to cope with files that have no
      extension, using temporary symlinks
    * Fix flickering and intermittent failures to rebalance
    * Fix for newer GI wanting us to specify versions (LP#1513596)
    * Fix to make sure the bell icon appears even when titlebar text
      extends beyond terminals width (LP#1494977)
    * Fix editable label distorting the layout until the splitter gets
      moved (LP#1494979)
    * Fix startup on Wayland because Keybinder seems to be X11 only
    * Fix a GI version warning for Notify library (Mattias Eriksson)
    * Fix warning trying to import the file as a plugin
      (Mattias Eriksson, LP#1518065)
    * Fix deprecation warning in later GTK versions (Egmont Koblinger,
    * Fix separator sizing (Egmont Koblinger, LP#1518069)
    * Fix positioning of group popup menu for later versions of GTK
      (Egmont Koblinger, LP#1518058)
    * Correct some British spelt translated strings to American
      (Egmont Koblinger, LP#1518085)
    * Fix double double-click on titlebar in later GTK3 (Egmont
      Koblinger, LP#1518094)
    * Fix the palette for inactive terminals after Prefs window
      (Egmont Koblinger, LP#1518108)
    * Fix copy on selection to work on already open terminals (Egmont
      Koblinger, LP#1518109)
    * Fix unwanted seperator size change, and increase granularity of
      dim/transparent sliders (Egmont Koblinger, LP#1518114)
    * Fix cwd when new term spawned from a symlinked directory (Egmont
      Koblinger, LP#1518554)
    * Correct terminator_config man page regarding scrollback (Egmont
      Koblinger, LP#1518559)
    * Fix exception when Ctrl-clicking the terminal when not over a
      URL (Egmont Koblinger, LP#1518592)
    * Fix Ctrl-click on URL if terminal has padding (Egmont Koblinger,
    * Fix right-click for mouse aware apps (Egmont Koblinger,
    * Fix rotate terminals under tabs, and (gtk3-only) focus loss on
      rotate (Egmont Koblinger, LP#1520360)
    * Remove unsupported utmp for now, till alternative solution
      (Egmont Koblinger)
    * Fix the "Run command as login shell" (Egmont Koblinger,
    * Fix the tab switching if a terminal on another tab exits (Steve
      Boddy, LP#943311)
    * Fix for those not running IBus, where the IBus workaround caused
      broken keys in other keymaps set with non-IBus tools
      (Steve Boddy, LP#1494606)
    * Fix PuTTY paste mode so Ctrl-Right-Drag, and application mouse
      handling in terminal still works (Steve Boddy)
    * Fix middle-click insert primary selection for Wayland (N/A) to
      insert from clipboard instead (Mattias Eriksson)
    * Remove invalid double-quote (") from the pathchar for url regex
      matching (Steve Boddy, LP#1514578)
    * Remove the now unused posix regex code, and set the regex
      boundary vars to the correct '\b' value (Matt Rose, Egmont
      Koblinger, Steve Boddy, LP#1521509)
    * Fix drag and drop of a link from Firefox / Chrome (Egmont
      Koblinger, LP#1518705)
    * Fix the editing of the window title (Egmont Koblinger,
    * Fix closing window using short-cut (Egmont Koblinger,
    * Fix profile re-use when opening new window (Egmont Koblinger,
    * Fix scrollbar position on current terminals when changed in
      prefs (Egmont Koblinger, LP#1520761)
    * Fix title edit shortcuts to hopefully not clash with console
      programs so much (Steve Boddy, LP#1514089)
    * Fix to re-add the dash as a default word char. Accidentally
      dropped in libvte API flux (Steve Boddy, LP#1598800)
    * Fix stale tab titles (Steve Boddy, LP#1520377)
    * Fix zero-sized terminals after rotate (Egmont Koblinger,
    * Fix (mostly) double-click doesn't distribute area evenly
      (Egmont Koblinger, LP#1520969)

File Description Downloads
download icon terminator-1.90.tar.gz (md5, sig) Terminator 1.90 4,440
last downloaded 7 weeks ago
Total downloads: 4,440

1.0 (Patrick) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

When is a release not a release? When it is just pushing the old stuff out the door so that focus can switch to where it really should be. This GTK2 Terminator is a fossil at this stage. You should all be using the GTK3 branch, but because I've procrastinated, there's no release of GTK3, so the distros don't include it. Enough! I'm pushing this out, just so that there is a final GTK2 release with the few bits that were fixed since the 0.98 release.

All future work will only be done in the GTK3 branch, and I will no longer try to backport things (that way lies madness). The initial GTK3 release will follow shortly.


terminator 1.0:
    * No major new features. This is simply to get any final updates
      out so that focus can switch to the gtk3 branch.

    * As part of GTK3 fixup, some backported improvements to the DBus
      interface, and remotinator (Steve Boddy)
      * Can now open a window or tab using remotinator
      * Can get the window uuid, or title using remotinator
      * Moved new tab key handling into the terminal for consistency
      * Standardise response when a new term is created (split, win
        or tab) to reply with new terms uuid
      * For GTK3 gave the DBus a slightly different name so they it
        can run at same time as GTK2
      * remotinator now uses argparse for commandline option handling,
        vastly improving the option handling
      * remotinator help strings are translatable now
    * PuTTY paste mode (Nemilya, LP#1416682) with some alterations
      (Steve Boddy)
    * Updated and grouped default shortcuts in man page (Steve Boddy)
    * Added smart copy mode switch to prefs (Steve Boddy, LP#1223129)
    * Merge feature branch for tab/terminal title editing (Haim
      Daniel LP#1417747)
    * Make Zoom/Maximize inactive if a single terminal (Egmont
      Koblinger, LP#1518081)
    * Add dimming for 256 colour palettes (Egmont Koblinger,
    * Update TERM to more modern values (Egmont Koblinger,
    * Change the scroll_on_output default to false (Egmont Koblinger,
    * Added radio options to the Cursor colour to make it easier to
      go back to the XOR'd foreground colour (Steve Boddy, LP#1512317)

  Bug fixes
    * Fix for those not running IBus, where the IBus workaround caused
      broken keys in other keymaps set with non-IBus tools (Steve
      Boddy, LP#1494606)
    * Fix custom commands to use the standard gerr function instead
      of the broken local one (Steve Boddy)
    * Workaround for intltool not handling Python files without an
      extension (Steve Boddy)
    * Fix intermittant rebalance failures (Steve Boddy, LP#1504560)
    * Fix focus dimming so when set to 1.0, it doesn't trash temporary
      palette changes by applications. Not needed in gtk3 (Steve Boddy,
    * Correct some British spelt translated strings to American
      (Egmont Koblinger, LP#1518085)
    * Fix the palette for inactive terminals after Prefs window
      (Egmont Koblinger, LP#1518108)
    * Fix copy on selection to work on already open terminals (Egmont
      Koblinger, LP#1518109)
    * Fix warning trying to import the file as a plugin
      (Egmont Koblinger, LP#1518065)
    * Fix unwanted seperator size change, and increase granularity of
      dim/transparent sliders (Egmont Koblinger, LP#1518114)
    * Fix cwd when new term spawned from a symlinked directory - has
      no impact, just keeping code aligned (Egmont Koblinger,
    * Correct terminator_config man page regarding scrollback (Egmont
      Koblinger, LP#1518559)
    * Fix rotate terminals under tabs (Egmont Koblinger, LP#1316573,
    * Fix PuTTY paste mode so Ctrl-Right-Drag terminal still works
      (Steve Boddy)
    * Remove invalid double-quote (") from the pathchar for url regex
      matching (Steve Boddy, LP#1514578)
    * Fix drag and drop of a link from Firefox / Chrome (Egmont
      Koblinger, LP#1518705)
    * Fix profile re-use when opening new window (Egmont Koblinger,
    * Fix scrollbar position on current terminals when changed in
      prefs (Egmont Koblinger, LP#1520761)
    * Fix title edit shortcuts to hopefully not clash with console
      programs so much (Seve Boddy, LP#1514089)

File Description Downloads
download icon terminator-1.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) Terminator 1.0 5,352
last downloaded 8 days ago
Total downloads: 5,352

0.98 (temperation) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

It's been a couple years since 0.97, high time for a new release!

This release brings a slew of enhancements and bug fixes. Much
attention is given to layout configuration functionality and
customization. Tabs functionality is better polished; there were many
corner case type bugs here. The preferences UI (which includes the vast
bulk of the applications' widgetry) is better polished and numerous
quirks and bugs removed. Scrollbars and scrolling is also made more
solid in this release.

One of the principle goals for this release was conversion to Gtk3.
Unfortunately this is still a work in progress, but since progress on
that front is slow, we decided getting an interim release out with all
these improvements was probably more important than waiting until the
conversion was finish...


  * Features
    * Layout launcher with option or shortcut (Steve Boddy)
    * An all-new manual! Default to F1 key (Steve Boddy)
    * An initial separate port to gtk3 is available for the brave, which
      is having all trunk changes applied to it while the issues get
      shaken out (Egmont Koblinger & Steve Boddy)
  * Enhancements
    * Layout launcher reloads config when opened to be sure it has the
      latest layouts (Steve Boddy)
    * Reload the config before we write to it or we could overwrite
      something from another instance (Steve Boddy)
    * When saving, a layout now remembers:
      * maximised and fullscreen status (Steve Boddy)
      * window titles (Steve Boddy, LP#1192960)
      * which tab was active (Steve Boddy)
      * which terminal was active (Steve Boddy, LP#858268)
      * working directory for each terminal (MoMaT, LP#1157422) plus
        additional GUI code (Steve Boddy)
    * Add vertical scrollbar to the layout launcher and make mouse
      wheel scrolling work (Steve Boddy)
    * Add vertical scrollbars to the Profiles and Layouts tabs in
      Preferences (Steve Boddy, LP#1396843)
    * Add options for non-homogenous tabs and scroll arrows (Grizzly
    * Add shortcuts for scrolling up/down by line/half-page/page
      (nanikata, LP#332267)
    * Improve consistency of Custom Commands menu (David Caro, LP#684340)
    * New distinct icons for non terminal windows (Steve Boddy)
    * Active terminal per tab is remembered (Steve Boddy, LP#315956)
    * Add shortcuts/code to toggle All/Tab grouping (Steve Boddy,
    * Improve watcher plugin (Joseph Crosland) with additional fixup
      (Steve Boddy)
    * Add Ctrl+MouseWheel Zoom in/out and Shift+MouseWheel page scroll
      up/down (Steve Boddy)
    * Add Ctrl+Shift+MouseWheel and Ctrl+Super+MouseWheel to zoom
      receivers or all terminals (Steve Boddy)
    * Add search bar wrap toggle (Christophe Bourez)
    * Add default broadcast behaviour selection (Jiri, LP#1288835)
    * Improve testing, distcheck, (Bryce Harrington)
    * Major cleanup and reorganisation of the preferences window (Steve
      * Complete revamp of the Global tab
      * Splitters added on the 'Profiles', 'Layouts' and 'Plugins' tabs
        for resizing lists
      * Made the 'Layouts' tab and the 'Profile' sub-tabs more consistent
        style wise
      * Included a new 'About' tab with some project links
    * Add global setting for changing the titlebar font (Eli Zor)
      expanded and improved (Steve Boddy)
    * Add shortcuts for next/prev profile (Peter E Lind, LP#1314734)
    * Improve DnD to handle multiple files (Schplurtz le Déboulonné)
      and (Steve Boddy)
    * Add 'Save' button for saving to the selected Layout (Ariel
    * Preselect the current layout when opening Prefs window, and also
      save config after using the layout 'Save' button (Steve Boddy)
    * Add default shortcuts for some actions by my preference (Steve
    * Added HighContrast icons, and fix all window/menu icons to respect
      theme changes (Steve Boddy, LP#305579)
    * Add option to set how long ActivityWatcher plugin is quiet for
      (Steve Boddy)
    * Big tidy up and improvements to translation strings, although it
      will require additional work by translators (Steve Boddy)
    * Make the menu mnemonics a bit more consistent, or add them where
      they were missing (Steve Boddy)
    * Add fallback to psutils to discover the cwd of a terminal (Heon
      Jeong, LP#1261293) with additional fixup (Steve Boddy)
    * Slight improvement (IMO) to the zoom terminal font scaling (Steve
      Boddy, LP#329158)
    * Add an internationalised AppData file for software installers
      (Steve Boddy, LP#1323785)
  * Bug fixes
    * Fix <Mod>+double-click to not rebalance splitters (Steve Boddy,
    * Fix closing a group to no longer leaves strays (Steve Boddy,
    * Fix shader so it works for background images too (Steve Boddy,
    * Fix x-terminal-emulator option (Neal Fultz, LP#366644)
    * Fix lost geom when using -H option (Steve Boddy, LP#1035617)
    * Fix maximise in Fluxbox. Possibly also Windows w/Xming too (Steve
      Boddy, LP#1201454)
    * Fix lack of focus on unhide with patch from (Pavel Khlebovich,
    * Fix the Group All/Tab shortcuts where titlebars were not updated
      (Steve Boddy, LP#1242675)
    * Fix splits not being central mith multiple tabs (Justin Ossevoort,
    * Fix closing of tab with multiple terminals not closing (Steve
      Boddy, 1253995)
    * Fix custom commands broadcast to grouped terminals (Mauro S M
      Rodrigues, LP#1414332)
    * Fix libc loading in Restores pwd detection. (Thomas
    * Fix scrollbar doubleclick rebalancing (Bryce Harrington, LP#1423686)
      and (Steve Boddy)
    * Fix crash when capslock pressed while editing a tab title (wizwiz50,
    * Fix navigation between terminals (Julián Moreno Patiño LP#1433810)
      and (Steve Boddy, LP#328235, LP#1433810)
    * Fix option --new-tab to show application (Pavel Roschin, LP#1367680)
      and (Steve Boddy)
    * Fix xterm color palette to match xterm (Casper Ti. Vector,
    * Fix (unconfirmed) for Fedora messing up prompts in gtk2 vte if
      gtk3 vte is also installed (Steve Boddy, LP-Q#268135)
    * Fix to make the debugserver work with two or more -d flags as per
      docs, not three or more (Steve Boddy)
    * Fix unwanted newline on DnD file (Schplurtz le Déboulonné,
    * Fix DnD filenames with sh-quote, even those with ' (Schplurtz le
    * Fix multi-line DnD to full text block, not just first line (Steve
    * Fix slightly uneven splits on shortcut due to handle size, though
      this will make previously saved layouts off by a few pixels (Steve
      Boddy, LP#1089162)
    * Man page typo (Michael Eller, LP#1296725)
    * Fix new tab labels when adding a tab to a window with splits (Steve
    * Minor visual fix for slider in prefs filling whole trough (Steve
    * Buttons in Prefs>Layouts tab cannot be hidden by slider (Steve
    * Fix Super+double-click on splitter within tabs (Steve Boddy)
    * Fix composed characters for receivers (Takao Fujiwara, LP#1463704)
    * Fix launcher opening after a dbus enabled window is already open
      (Steve Boddy, LP#1283002)
    * Sort entries in config file, so they don't jump around every time
      config is saved for easier troubleshooting (Steve Boddy)
    * Start 'New Layout #' from 1. Looked strange starting at 2 (Steve
    * Fix the renaming of Layouts/Profiles sometimes corrupting what
      appears in the config file (Steve Boddy, LP#1262709)
    * Fix the way alternatives are set up that cures blurry/incorrect
      icons in task switchers (Steve Boddy, LP#1067287)
    * Fix the tab switching if a terminal on another tab exits (Steve
      Boddy, LP#943311)

File Description Downloads
download icon terminator-0.98.tar.gz (md5, sig) Terminator 0.98 - Fix for missing contents in original tarball 20,162
last downloaded 3 days ago
Total downloads: 20,162

0.97 (preparation) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Lots of bug fixes and some minor features in preparation for a 1.0 release.


terminator 0.97:
  * Allow font dimming in inactive terminals
  * Allow URL handler plugins to override label text for URL context
  * When copying a URL, run it through the URL handler first so the
    resulting URL is copied, rather than the original text
  * Allow users to configure a custom URL handler, since the
    default GTK library option is failing a lot of users in non-GNOME
  * Allow rotation of a group of terminals (Andre Hilsendeger)
  * Add a keyboard shortcut to insert a terminal's number (Stephen J
  * Add a keyboard shortcut to edit the window title (Stephen J Boddy)
  * Add an easy way to balance terminals by double clicking on their
    separator (Stephen J Boddy)
  * Add a plugin by Sinan Nalkaya to log the contents of terminals.
  * Support configuration of TERM and COLORTERM, via a patch from
    John Feuerstein
  * Support reading configuration from alternate files, via a patch
    from Pavel Khlebovich
  * Allow creation of new tabs in existing Terminators, via DBus
        * Support the Solarized palettes (Juan Francisco Cantero Hutardo)
        * Translation support for the Preferences window.
        * Lots of translation updates (thanks to everyone who helped!)
  * Bug fixes

File Description Downloads
download icon terminator-0.97.tar.gz (md5, sig) Terminator 0.97 68,537
last downloaded 4 days ago
Total downloads: 68,537

0.96 release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Bug fixes and some minor features. Catching up a little with the backlog of bugs, patches and branches from users.


terminator 0.96:
  * Unity support for opening new windows (Lucian Adrian Grijincu)
  * Fix searching with infinite scrollback (Julien Thewys #755077)
  * Fix searching on Ubuntu 10.10 and 11.04, and implement searching by regular expression (Roberto Aguilar #709018)
  * Optimise various low level components so they are dramatically faster (Stephen Boddy)
  * Fix various bugs (Stephen Boddy)
  * Fix cursor colours (#700969) and a cursor blink issue (Tony Baker)
  * Improve and extend drag&drop support to include more sources of text, e.g. Gtk file chooser path buttons (#643425)
  * Add a plugin to watch a terminal for inactvity (i.e. silence)
  * Fix loading layouts with more than two tabs (#646826)
  * Fix order of tabs created from saved layouts (#615930)
  * Add configuration to remove terminal dimensions from titlebars (patch from João Pinto #691213)
  * Restore split positions more accurately (patch from Glenn Moss #797953)
  * Fix activity notification in active terminals. (patch from Chris Newton #748681)
  * Stop leaking child processes if terminals are closed using the context menu (#308025)
  * Don't forget tab order and custom labels when closing terminals in them (#711356)
  * Each terminal is assigned a unique identifier and this is exposed to the processes inside the terminal via the environment variable TERMINATOR_UUID
  * Expand dbus support to start covering useful methods. Also add a commandline tool called 'remotinator' that can be used to control Terminator from a terminal running inside it.
  * Fix terminal font settings for users of older Linux distributions

File Description Downloads
download icon terminator-0.96.tar.gz (md5, sig) Terminator 0.96 11,048
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
download icon terminator_0.96.tar.gz (md5, sig) Terminator 0.96 5,469
last downloaded 7 days ago
Total downloads: 16,517

0.95 release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

New configuration options for a DBus server, font anti-aliasing. A new plugin for Maven URLs (thanks to Julien Nicoulaud). Also various improvements in error handling and updated translations.

File Description Downloads
download icon terminator_0.95.tar.gz (md5, sig) Terminator 0.95 4,557
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
download icon terminator-0.95.tar.gz (md5, sig) Terminator 0.95 4,743
last downloaded 5 days ago
Total downloads: 9,300

0.94 (relaxation) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Lots of bug fixes, some new plugins. See the ChangeLog for full details.


  * Improved support for entirely hiding Terminal titlebars
  * Plugin configuration via preferences UI
  * New plugins: Terminal Screenshot, Watch Terminal Activity
  * Add preferences support for profile encodings (LP: #597340)
  * Deprecate the tabbar_hide option, replacing it with a 'hidden'
           option for tab_position.
  * Add profiles, custom titlebar and custom tab labels to layouts.
  * Improved directional navigation
  * Backwards compatibility fixes for RHEL 5.5.
  * Disabled-by-default keybindings for switching broadcast modes
  * Bug fixes for LPs: #566925, #563445, #583041, #589200, #576279,
           #597340, #554571, #597651, #308025, #600280, #576276, #570706,
           #575827 and some other bugs.

File Description Downloads
download icon terminator_0.94.tar.gz (md5, sig) Terminator 0.94 1,037
last downloaded 14 weeks ago
download icon terminator-0.94.tar.gz (md5, sig) Terminator 0.94 712
last downloaded 13 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,749

0.93 (recognition) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Provide a preferences UI item for the alternate_screen_scroll setting (patch from Kees Cook)
Fixes for all outstanding bugs against Terminator in Ubuntu and for many of the upstream bugs including, but not limited to, LPs:
#562490, #563911, #546665, #558324, #490627, #558376, #558375, #559185, #558330, #554571, #554440, #561697, #562039, #558832, #561710, #563445

File Description Downloads
download icon terminator_0.93.tar.gz (md5, sig) Terminator 0.93 985
last downloaded 12 weeks ago
download icon terminator-0.93.tar.gz (md5, sig) Terminator 0.93 1,840
last downloaded 10 days ago
Total downloads: 2,825

0.92 (redemption) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Bug fixes from 0.91, and implementing the palette section of the preferences editor

File Description Downloads
download icon terminator-0.92.tar.gz (md5, sig) Terminator 0.92 719
last downloaded 5 days ago
download icon terminator_0.92.tar.gz (md5, sig) Terminator 0.92 269
last downloaded 13 weeks ago
Total downloads: 988

110 of 27 releases