Registered by Tony Flury

A set of tools and servers to provide a highly configurable on the fly backup tool for Linux - detecting file changes and scheduling backups. Avoids the need for lengthy full backups (apart from the first run), and interruption resitant backups.

* On the fly backups - using small archives
* Persistent backup queues - no worries about shuting down while a back up is still running.
* Interruption resistant backups

The aim of the project is to solve a number of significant issues when using traditional full/incremental type backups :

1) A full backup of any reasonable sized system can create a single very large archive which takes a long time to create, and can be difficult to extract a file from. Also the creation of this single large file can be prone to network errors and acts to prevent the user from shutting the system down (so that the full backup is not interrupted).
2) a daily backup schedule will miss many of the changes made on files during the course of a day - so it is impossible to go back a few hours if an error is made (unless a backup has run since then).

Skill sets :
1) Python - currently the code is developed in python - future optimization may change this mix.
2) GTK - the main archive browser/restorer will probably use GTK/pyGTK.
3) ncurses - the command line tools will use ncurses from python
4) SQL - currently sqlite - a relatively simple database will maintain the persistent queue.

Project information

Tony Flury
Tony Flury
Creative Commons - No Rights Reserved

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
Python, SQL

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