TKDO 0.7

Milestone information

Selene ToyKeeper
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3 Selene ToyKeeper
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3 Fix Released

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Release notes 

Biggest changes: Added a curses-based text UI, a minimal automation facility based on the TUI, and a 'zoom' function.


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    + Added a curses-based text interface.
    * Updated config library to allow saving only non-default values.
    + Added ability to snooze for units such as 'ddd' (3 days) or 'ww' (2 weeks).
    + Added ability to filter in 'and' or 'or' modes
      (to display a union of contexts instead of an intersection).
    * Made snoozed / completed tasks display as 'Zzz' / '[X]' instead of '0'.
    * Handle missing task files by ignoring them instead of exiting.
    * Added task title to log message for launching the editor.
    + Added an automation facility based on the TUI.
      Basically, any extra parameters will be executed as if the user had
      typed them into the TUI.
  Shared UI:
    * Moved most of the GUI logic into a shared base class,
      so the TUI and GUI can share behavior without writing everything twice.
    + Added a 'zoom' feature to auto-filter into the current branch.
      (bound to the 'enter' key by default)
    + All new curses interface! Works well over ssh.
    * Changed 'editor' config item to 'editor_gui'.
      The GUI and TUI can use different editors.

0 blueprints and 3 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
258068 #258068 enh: config should save only non-default settings 4 Medium Selene ToyKeeper  10 Fix Released
264929 #264929 enh: allow unary time units; 'ddd' for 3 days, etc 4 Medium Selene ToyKeeper  10 Fix Released
264932 #264932 can't run when a task file is missing 4 Medium Selene ToyKeeper  10 Fix Released
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