Tomdroid 0.2.0

Written for Tomdroid by Olivier Bilodeau on 2009-06-25

Hi everyone,

I have the pleasure to announce Tomdroid's second release!

This version brings performance, responsiveness improvements and better overall user experience.

Tomdroid is a Tomboy compatible wikiwiki note-taking application for Android. Right now it's a tomboy note viewer but soon it should be considered a full tomboy client for android (I hope).

Tomdroid's project page:

A blog post including some screenshots (and redundant info) can be found here:

For now Tomdroid is not available on the Google Market Place but you can find the latest package at: Point your Android browser over there and click on the top .apk file. Alternate installation instructions are available in the README file.

This release includes the following:

Version 0.2.0 - this is all wrong
Development is done using SDK 1.5 but the application is compatible with 1.x
* Performance improvements (on my ADP1 ~50 notes loads twice as fast)
* Responsiveness improvements: you can now see the screen updating the note list when it's parsing notes and interact with it
* Usability/UI improvements (#364851, BenoƮt Garret)
* Text no longer changes color when scrolling (#364425)
* Fixed concurrency crashes (#389437)
* Messages are now clearer when there are no notes in the tomdroid/ folder vs when the folder doesn't exist
* Improved usability of the URL input dialog to load a Web note
* Better error reporting to user when loading a note from the Web
* Better Android lifecycle management
* Developer related fixes (#364770, Michael Fletcher)

For more details and developer visible changes see the ChangeLog.

If you encounter any problems please open up a bug report at

If you have an idea for an enhancement please register a blueprint at

If you want to provide any additional help (translation, code, website, testing, publicity, etc.) feel free to subscribe to the tomdroid-dev mailing list and propose help:

Thanks for tuning in. See you all later!

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