Registered by ThinkingRock

Use ThinkingRock as your trusted software to organise your life according to GTD - the stress-free productivity methodology described in the international best selling book by David Allen.

 Thinking Rock is NOT another to-do list. It allows you to:

    * collect your thoughts, also called dump your mind;
    * process them into actions, projects, sub-projects, reference items or someday/maybe items;
    * actions can be done by you, delegated to someone else or scheduled for a particular date;
    * projects can be planned into ordered list of actions and sub-projects;
    * you can review all your actions, projects and other information quickly and easily to see what you need to do or to choose what you want to do under your current context at a particular time. These views can be easily modified by you to tailor for your needs;
    * take the information with you on paper or soon on PDAs.

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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