Registered by mspanc
Tuned is intended to be a set of tools for professional usage in radio or other digital media. The particular tools focus mostly on things such as: audio routing, audio analysis/visualisation, metadata broadcasting etc.

Tuned is intended to be a set of tools for professional usage in radio or other digital media. The particular tools focus mostly on things such as: audio routing, audio analysis/visualisation, metadata broadcasting etc.

The aims are:
- keep good performance - server-side applications are written mostly in Vala, so they should be small and efficient as they compile to the native code,
- do not reinvent the wheel - applications strongly rely on modern linux libraries and software such as GLib2, GIO, GStreamer, PulseAudio etc.,
- KISS - there are many small tools for various parts of the workflow, not one big swiss army knife,
- convention over configuration - try to avoid huge configuration files with dozens of options, rather make assumptions.