Registered by Gilles Accad

TuxCards is a hierarical notebook. Every kind of note and idea may be managed and sorted within a tree structure.

# Notes can be composed using richtext elements.
# There are no theoretical/practical limits on the tree-depth, on the quantity of the items and on the size of the notes.
# At every start, TuxCards will automatically load your last datas.
The tree-structure (on the left side) is also reproduced as it was found at your last saving.
# Drag & Drop of entries between completely different TuxCards applications is possible.
# Entry History.
# Create notes with an expiration date.
# Encryption using MD5 and BlowFish.
# Customizable icons: All icons used within the gui may be exchanged.
# Cactus-Support, expandable with own flower images.
# Command line options (try tuxcards -h).
# Export in HTML format.
# Support of cygwin version as well of a statically linked binary.

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Gilles Accad
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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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