txpkgupload 0.2
Milestone information
- Project:
- txpkgupload
- Series:
- trunk
- Version:
- 0.2
- Released:
- Registrant:
- Colin Watson
- Release registered:
- Active:
- No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.
- Assigned to you:
- No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
- Assignees:
- No users assigned to blueprints and bugs.
- Blueprints:
- No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
- Bugs:
- No bugs are targeted to this milestone.
Download files for this release
Release notes
- Institute a temporary directory on the same filesystem as the upload root.
- Stop creating obsolete .distro files.
- Remove locking, since we now move directories into place atomically.
- Fix memory leak when closing SFTP connections.
This release does not have a changelog.
0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted
There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.