ubuntu-eg launching-fgs "FG-Launch"

Launching FGs
Call for joining

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Code name:
Ahmed Shams
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1 Ubuntu Egypt Marketing
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
1 Confirmed, 1 In Progress

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Release notes 

Here is what we got so far:

1. Ubuntu Egypt Council <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EgyptTeam/Council>:
For the Council it's a group of 5 persons, elected from official members and that council serves as a glue for Focus Groups and the whole community. Plus handling any special situations, like conflicts, besides studying any issue related to the team, like partnering with other communities. They can never be considered as superiors, and any official/core member can nominate her/himself to become a council member.

2. Ubuntu Egypt Focus Groups <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EgyptTeam/FG>:
Focus Group (FG) is a group of like-minded persons specialized in providing the team some certain kind of service. Groups are open for anyone to join, but working inside an FG will require members to have expertise to get the work done. It's preferred to join one or two FGs as maximum so you won't get occupied with FGs' work and also you won't get overwhelmed by tasks on times of heavy work, for example during organizing events the Art FG may get so many tasks.

To put it clear, we currently have these FGs intact:

Art: to provide the needed artwork for the team during events for example or even our periodic logo changes.
Marketing: it describes itself, Marketing the team and to create and manage marketing strategy.
Support: to give support on all of our channels.
Operators: to moderate our channels.

and we also, have these FGs:

Women: to encourage the feminine presence on our Arabic linux world.
Developers: A place to find answers on you questions if you want to get involved with Linux-development.

3. Ubuntu Egypt Official Membership<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EgyptTeam/Membership>:
This is the group of core contributors to the team, people the whole community relies upon. One of the main benefits of membership is that members can nominate themselves to the council and have voting rights. The main idea behind membership is to prevent poisoning in the voting process.

4. Council Elections:
Council elections should be held once a year at the beginning of May. Elections will be done on http://www.cs.cornell.edu/w8/~andru/civs/civs_create.html to ensure full transparency. This is the same tool used for Ubuntu community different elections. More details like the elections date will be announced soon.

5. Launchpad project <https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-eg>:
This project is created for task tracking. This will allow us to easily track the progress of different tasks and participators will also gain a few karma points to help them later with their official/core membership.

We urge all of our current members to follow the membership page<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EgyptTeam/Membership> and start submitting you applications. We are following this formal process to set an example for all future members.


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 2 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
954148 #954148 Prepare marketing/reqruitment campaign for the sub-teams 2 Critical Ubuntu Egypt Marketing  6 Confirmed
962690 #962690 Create team regulations and guidelines 2 Critical   8 In Progress
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