Ubuntu ubuntu-24.05

Milestone information

Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
1 Athos Ribeiro, 1 Bryce Harrington, 2 Lena Voytek, 1 Lucas Kanashiro, 1 Miriam España Acebal, 1 Mitchell Dzurick, 2 Sergio Durigan Junior
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
6 New, 4 Incomplete, 6 Fix Released

0 blueprints and 16 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
2073311 #2073311 Backport of container-stack for focal, jammy and noble 6 Wishlist   0 New
2073311 #2073311 Backport of container-stack for focal, jammy and noble 6 Wishlist   0 New
2073311 #2073311 Backport of container-stack for focal, jammy and noble 6 Wishlist   0 New
2073320 #2073320 Backport of postgresql for focal, jammy and noble 6 Wishlist   0 New
2073320 #2073320 Backport of postgresql for focal, jammy and noble 6 Wishlist   0 New
2073320 #2073320 Backport of postgresql for focal, jammy and noble 6 Wishlist   0 New
2064392 #2064392 Merge checksecurity from Debian unstable for oracular 1 Undecided Mitchell Dzurick  1 Incomplete
2064430 #2064430 Merge net-snmp from Debian unstable for oracular 1 Undecided Sergio Durigan Junior  1 Incomplete
2064477 #2064477 Merge vlan from Debian unstable for oracular 1 Undecided   1 Incomplete
2064478 #2064478 Merge vsftpd from Debian unstable for oracular 1 Undecided Sergio Durigan Junior  1 Incomplete
2064391 #2064391 Merge bridge-utils from Debian unstable for oracular 1 Undecided Miriam España Acebal  10 Fix Released
2064401 #2064401 Merge exim4 from Debian unstable for oracular 1 Undecided Bryce Harrington  10 Fix Released
2064431 #2064431 Merge net-tools from Debian unstable for oracular 1 Undecided Lena Voytek  10 Fix Released
2064436 #2064436 Merge openvpn from Debian unstable for oracular 1 Undecided Lena Voytek  10 Fix Released
2064459 #2064459 Merge ruby-ethon from Debian unstable for oracular 1 Undecided Lucas Kanashiro  10 Fix Released
2064472 #2064472 Merge tgt from Debian unstable for oracular 1 Undecided Athos Ribeiro  10 Fix Released
This milestone contains information