Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

112 of 12 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
Encryption - various (Xenial & newer) Encryption PPA (gnutls28 3.7.3, ssl 1.1.1w, and more) for Xeni... 76 794
Utilities - various (Xenial & newer) Utilities PPA (many and varied backported utilities) for Xenia... 197 2619
PPA for Bauble - UBC This repository holds package for the version of Bauble specif... 1 3
libbotan2.3 Botan is a C++ library which provides support for many common ... 1 18
KeePassXC Snapshot Builds (Daily / Unstable) 2 17
KeePassXC Stable Releases KeePassXC Password Manager 2 17
KeePassXC-offline KeePassXC without network feature 2 16
Screenly PPA 1 5
botan3 1 5
ppa 1 5
Giroll's cool stuff This PPA contains some games and good stuff useful for Giroll 260 1506
KeePassXC KeePassXC Password Manager (official upstream PPA) https://ke... 2 10
112 of 12 results