Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

112 of 12 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
python-simplejson simplejson is a simple, fast, complete, correct and extensible... 1 35
Python fixes Cherrypicked fixes and updates to resolve problems discovered ... 2 7
Matrix 23 58
PPA for Gwibber Team Packages for the gwibber microblogging client 6 45
PPA for Pylons PPA 23 41
Python 2.4 We have moved: 12 39
Python2.4 PPA Python2.4 packages for newer versions of Ubuntu 18 92
chrisrox process yay! 20 21
maas - experimental 5 71
sdhd/kodi 11 3
stable packages archive This archive contains latest stable version of uPaaS. 43 69
testing packages archive This archive contains latest development version of uPaaS, thi... 45 65
112 of 12 results