Change log for devhelp package in Ubuntu

76122 of 122 results
Superseded in natty-release
devhelp (2.32.0-0ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low

  * New upstream release
  * debian/control:
    - Use standards-version 3.9.1
    - Add Vcs-Bzr link
    - Rename packages from devhelp-1 to devhelp-2
  * debian/patches/00git-reenable-glib-deprecated.patch:
  * debian/patches/ftbfs-drop-gtknotebookpage.patch:
    - Applied upstream
 -- Robert Ancell <email address hidden>   Mon, 29 Nov 2010 16:36:30 +1100

Available diffs

Superseded in natty-release
Obsolete in maverick-release
devhelp (2.30.1-1ubuntu2) maverick; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/ftbfs-drop-gtknotebookpage.patch:
    - Patch taken from upstream that fixes compilation with latest GTK+
      LP: #651255
 -- Michael Terry <email address hidden>   Wed, 29 Sep 2010 11:49:55 -0400
Superseded in maverick-release
devhelp (2.30.1-1ubuntu1) maverick; urgency=low

  * 00git-reenable-glib-deprecated.patch: Do not disable deprecated glib
    symbols. This brings back the g_completion_* declarations. Cherrypicked
    from upstpream trunk.  (LP: #600189)

Available diffs

Superseded in maverick-release
devhelp (2.30.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
    - Add fullscreen mode. Closes: #491981.
    - Expanding items in the sidebar no longer expands the first one.
      Closes: #551473.
    - debian/rules:
      + Bump shlibs version for the new API.
  * debian/watch: Only track stable releases.
  * debian/,
    - Switch to source format 3.0 (quilt).
 -- Didier Roche <email address hidden>   Mon, 05 Apr 2010 19:35:27 +0200

Available diffs

Superseded in maverick-release
Obsolete in lucid-release
devhelp (2.30.0-0ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low

  * New upstream release:
    - updated translation
 -- Didier Roche <email address hidden>   Mon, 29 Mar 2010 15:07:24 +0200
Superseded in lucid-release
devhelp (2.29.90-0ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low

  * New upstream release (LP: #521644)
  * debian/
    - Update Standards-Version to 3.8.4
 -- Baptiste Mille-Mathias <email address hidden>   Sat, 13 Feb 2010 23:09:43 +0100

Available diffs

Superseded in lucid-release
devhelp (2.28.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream bug fix release.

Available diffs

Superseded in lucid-release
devhelp (0.23.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Loïc Minier ]
  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.2, no change needed.

  [ Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ]
  * New upstream release.
    - debian/patches/05_fix_anchor_loads.patch,
      Removed, fixed upstream.
  * debian/devhelp.1: escape a dash.

 -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Thu,  05 Nov 2009 05:55:56 +0000

Available diffs

Superseded in lucid-release
Obsolete in karmic-release
devhelp (0.23-4) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ]
  * Add headers to patches.
  * debian/patches/04_close_correct_tab.patch: Removed, doesn't work.
    Bug forwarded to BGO: #587987.

  [ Loïc Minier ]
  * Don't hardcode libdevhelp-1's SONAME.
  * New patch, 60_deprecated-g-mapped-file-free, use g_mapped_file_unref()
    instead of deprecated g_mapped_file_free(); GNOME #588655
  * Add description to patch 00install-devhelp-el.
  * Binaries devhelp and devhelp-common are Section: devel like their source,
    don't repeat Section field.

 -- Lo?c Minier <email address hidden>   Thu,  23 Jul 2009 22:58:16 +0100

Available diffs

Superseded in karmic-release
devhelp (0.23-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/05_fix_anchor_loads.patch:
  - imported from upstream git repository, to fix loading files with
    anchors on their URIs

 -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Wed,  15 Jul 2009 21:31:27 +0100

Available diffs

Superseded in karmic-release
devhelp (0.23-2) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ]
  * Remove mention of Gecko in the description. It's not relevant and we
    use webkit anyway. Closes: #519492.

  [ Josselin Mouette ]
  * Upload to unstable.

Available diffs

Superseded in karmic-release
devhelp (0.22-1build1) karmic; urgency=low

  * No-change rebuild for libwebkit-1.0-1 -> libwebkit-1.0-2 transition.

 -- Steve Kowalik <email address hidden>   Fri, 12 Jun 2009 10:13:55 +1000

Available diffs

Superseded in karmic-release
Obsolete in jaunty-release
devhelp (0.22-1) experimental; urgency=low

  [ Loic Minier ]
  * Fix bogus checks in preinst and clean it up.

  [ Bradley Smith ]
  * New upstream release.
  * debian/patches
   - 00install-devhelp-el.patch - Refresh.
   - 01_do_not_clober_global_w_on_el.patch - Refresh.
   - 02_fix_alpha_ftbfs.patch - Removed. (No longer relevant)
   - 04_close_correct_tab.patch - Refresh.
  * Remove unrecognised configure flags (--disable-install-schemas,
  * Correct dependencies.

 -- Cesare Tirabassi <email address hidden>   Tue,  23 Dec 2008 19:34:46 +0000

Available diffs

Superseded in jaunty-release
devhelp (0.21-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * debian/control
    - Change maintainer email address.
    - Reformat descriptions.
  * Convert copyright to machine readable format.

Available diffs

Superseded in jaunty-release
Obsolete in intrepid-release
devhelp (0.21-0ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low

  * New upstream release (LP: #250290, LP: #257272 and LP: #264847):
    - remove patches 02_gecko_1.9.patch, 05_autotools_update.patch,
      06_fix_ftbfs_in_g_set_error.patch and 70_autoconf.patch
      now applied upstream
      (there is still a small delta with Debian remaining since they moved
      #include <nsStringAPI.h> before #ifdef XPCOM_GLUE in dh-gecko-utils.cpp
      to solve a FTBFS on alpha).
  * Remove cdbs workaround, not needed anymore.
  * Update Standards-Version to 3.8.0 (No Changes).
  * Remove Build-Depends on -1 revisions.
  * Recommend xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support.

 -- Cesare Tirabassi <email address hidden>   Mon, 22 Sep 2008 18:40:07 +0200

Available diffs

Obsolete in hardy-updates
Obsolete in hardy-security
devhelp (0.19-1ubuntu1.8.04.3) hardy-security; urgency=low

  * no change rebuild for -security to make package installable for users
    without -updates enabled (due to recent xulrunner-1.9 Breaks line)

 -- Jamie Strandboge <email address hidden>   Sun, 03 Aug 2008 08:45:50 -0400
Superseded in intrepid-release
devhelp (0.19.1-3ubuntu2) intrepid; urgency=low

  * reintroduce 06_fix_ftbfs_in_g_set_error.patch
    to fix intrepid ftbfs.

Available diffs

Superseded in intrepid-release
devhelp (0.19.1-3ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low

  [ Alexander Sack <email address hidden> ]
  * Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
    - debian/control{.in}: use xulrunner-1.9-dev as build-depends in ubuntu;
    - debian/control{.in}: make devhelp explicitly depend on xulrunner-1.9
    - debian/rules: workaround cdbs unapplying patches before invoking clean
      which is causing a loop because of the xul1.9 patch
    - debian/rules: don't use chrpath so firefox libs are correcly loaded
      (LP: #164895)
    - debian/control{.in}: gedit plugin moved, update the devhelp replaces

Available diffs

Superseded in intrepid-release
devhelp (0.19-1ubuntu4) intrepid; urgency=low

  * fix FTBFS in g_set_error() (LP: #238991)
    - add debian/patches/06_fix_ftbfs_in_g_set_error.patch
  * workaround cdbs unapplying patches before invoking clean
    which is causing a loop because of the xul1.9 patch
    - update debian/rules

 -- Fabien Tassin <email address hidden>   Tue, 10 Jun 2008 21:49:55 +0200

Available diffs

Superseded in intrepid-release
devhelp (0.19-1ubuntu3) intrepid; urgency=low

  * respin and bump (build-)depends to fix breakage due to xulrunner 1.9 RC1
    API/ABI changes (LP: #233922)
    - update debian/control
    - update debian/
  * fix glue code to startup internal mozembed glue properly
    - update debian/patches/04_devhelp-xul-1.9.patch

 -- Alexander Sack <email address hidden>   Mon, 26 May 2008 10:08:17 +0200
Superseded in hardy-updates
Deleted in hardy-proposed (Reason: moved to -updates)
devhelp (0.19-1ubuntu1.8.04.2) hardy-proposed; urgency=low

  * respin and bump (build-)depends to fix breakage due to xulrunner 1.9 RC1
    API/ABI changes (LP: #233922)
    - update debian/control
    - update debian/
  * fix glue code to startup internal mozembed glue properly
    - update debian/patches/04_devhelp-xul-1.9.patch

 -- Alexander Sack <email address hidden>   Mon, 26 May 2008 10:08:17 +0200
Superseded in intrepid-release
devhelp (0.19-1ubuntu2) intrepid; urgency=low

  * respin and bump (build-)depends to fix breakage due to xulrunner 1.9 RC1
    API/ABI changes (LP: #233922)
    - update debian/control
    - update debian/

 -- Alexander Sack <email address hidden>   Mon, 26 May 2008 10:08:17 +0200
Superseded in intrepid-release
Obsolete in hardy-release
devhelp (0.19-1ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low

  * Merge from Debian unstable (LP: #190269), Ubuntu remaining changes:
    - debian/control{.in}: use xulrunner-1.9-dev as build dep instead of
    - add xulrunner 1.9 standalone glue and .m4 code
      - add debian/patches/04_devhelp-xul-1.9.patch
      - add debian/patches/04_devhelp-xul-1.9.m4.patch
    - rerun autotools accordingly
      - update 05_autotools_update.patch
    - use --with-gecko=libxul-embedding as configure argument (instead of
      - update debian/rules

 -- Pedro Fragoso <email address hidden>   Thu, 07 Feb 2008 22:37:03 +0000
Superseded in hardy-release
devhelp (0.17-1ubuntu3) hardy; urgency=low

  * properly fix Depends to point to xulrunner-1.9 as well

 -- Alexander Sack <email address hidden>   Thu, 17 Jan 2008 13:27:54 +0100
Superseded in hardy-release
devhelp (0.17-1ubuntu2) hardy; urgency=low

  * only use GTKEmbedGlueStartupInternal if its actually defined in
    - update debian/patches/04_devhelp-xul-1.9.patch

Superseded in hardy-release
devhelp (0.17-1ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low

  * Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
    - debian/control{.in}: use xulrunner-1.9-dev as build dep instead of
    - add xulrunner 1.9 standalone glue and .m4 code
      - add debian/patches/04_devhelp-xul-1.9.patch
      - add debian/patches/04_devhelp-xul-1.9.m4.patch
    - rerun autotools accordingly
      - update 05_autotools_update.patch
    - use --with-gecko=libxul-embedding as configure argument (instead of
      - update debian/rules

 -- Alexander Sack <email address hidden>   Tue, 08 Jan 2008 09:42:15 +0000
Superseded in hardy-release
devhelp (0.16.1-3ubuntu2) hardy; urgency=low

  * debian/rules:
    - don't use chrpath so firefox libs are correcly loaded (LP: #164895)

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Tue, 04 Dec 2007 17:21:38 +0100
Superseded in hardy-release
devhelp (0.16.1-3ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low

  * Sync with Debian
  * debian/
    - gedit plugin moved, update the devhelp replaces version
    - update maintainer information
    - use firefox and not xulrunner
  * debian/rules:
    - use firefox gecko

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Tue, 20 Nov 2007 14:41:33 +0100
Superseded in hardy-release
Obsolete in gutsy-release
devhelp (0.16-0ubuntu1) gutsy; urgency=low

  * New upstream release:
    - Changed keybinding in GEdit plugin from F7 to F2 to avoid a conflict with
      GTK+ 2.12
    - Updated translations: gu, vi, fi, et, gl, es, bn_IN, sr, sr@Latn, pt, nb,
      tr, th, te, en_CA, fr, bg, pt_BR, de, da, nl, hu, zh_CN, sv, mk, uk, sl

 -- Aron Sisak <email address hidden>   Mon, 10 Sep 2007 21:33:25 +0200
Superseded in gutsy-release
devhelp (0.15-0ubuntu1) gutsy; urgency=low

  * New upstream release:
    - Fix build on Solaris (bug #439054)
    - Don't hardcode the png extension in desktop file (bug #440434)
    - Translations:
      - Updated ja, updated th

 -- Aron Sisak <email address hidden>   Wed, 20 Jun 2007 16:32:17 +0200
Superseded in gutsy-release
devhelp (0.14-0ubuntu1) gutsy; urgency=low

  * New upstream release:
    - Use theme colors for gecko 1.9 and later
    - Call g_thread_init
    - Add --focus-search command line option
    - Add typeahead searching
    - Update information about where books should be installed
    - Add missing mnemonics
    - GNOME Goal #3: Remove "Application" category
  * Resynchronized with Debian, remaining Ubuntu changes:
    - debian/rules, debian/ Firefox instead of xulrunner.
    - debian/ devhelp Depends on firefox (>= 1.5).
    - debian/devhelp.install: install gedit plugin.
    - debian/devhelp-common.install: install all icons.
  * debian/ Maintainer: Ubuntu Desktop Team
    <email address hidden>
  * debian/patches/02_README_search_path_fix.diff: dropped, fixed upstream.
  * debian/libdevhelp-1-dev.install: don't install usr/lib/libdevhelp-1.a -
    upstream doesn't install it either.
  * debian/rules: bumped shlibs, new symbols introduced.

 -- Daniel Holbach <email address hidden>   Wed, 16 May 2007 09:34:28 +0200
Superseded in gutsy-release
Obsolete in feisty-release
devhelp (0.13-2ubuntu1) feisty; urgency=low

  * Sync with Debian, Ubuntu changes remaining:
  * debian/
    - libdevhelp-1-dev Depends on libgnomeui-dev, libgnomevfs2-dev, libwnck-dev
      (Ubuntu: #89808)
    - updated maintainer for Ubuntu
    - use firefox instead of xulrunner
  * debian/devhelp.install:
    - install the gedit plugin too
  * debian/devhelp-common.install:
    - install all the icons from hicolor
  * debian/rules:
    - use firefox instead of xulrunner

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Mon,  5 Mar 2007 10:23:47 +0100
Superseded in feisty-release
devhelp (0.13-1ubuntu1) feisty; urgency=low

  * Sync with Debian, Ubuntu changes remaining:
  * debian/, debian/rules:
    - use firefox instead of xulrunner
  * debian/devhelp.install:
    - install the gedit plugin too
  * debian/devhelp-common.install:
    - install all the icons from hicolor

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Mon,  5 Feb 2007 15:37:45 +0100
Superseded in feisty-release
devhelp (0.12-2ubuntu2) feisty; urgency=low

  * debian/
    - Build-Depends on firefox-dev (>= 1.5) instead of firefox

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Fri, 24 Nov 2006 12:13:08 +0100
Superseded in feisty-release
devhelp (0.12-2ubuntu1) feisty; urgency=low

  * Sync with Debian
  * debian/, debian/rules:
    - use firefox instead of xulrunner
  * debian/devhelp.install:
    - devhelp Suggests gedit
    - install the gedit plugin too
  * debian/devhelp-common.install:
    - install all the icons from hicolor

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Fri, 24 Nov 2006 11:54:28 +0100
Obsolete in breezy-security
devhelp (0.10-1ubuntu2.1) breezy-security; urgency=low

  * Rebuild against Firefox 1.5.
  * debian/ Bump Build and Binary dependencies to firefox >= 1.5.

 -- Martin Pitt <email address hidden>   Tue, 26 Sep 2006 15:45:02 +0200
Superseded in feisty-release
Obsolete in edgy-release
devhelp (0.12-0ubuntu4) edgy; urgency=low

  * debian/devhelp.install:
    - install the .gedit-plugin too (Ubuntu: #56458)

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Thu, 17 Aug 2006 10:52:54 +0200
Superseded in edgy-release
devhelp (0.12-0ubuntu3) edgy; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/90_from_cvs_dont_set_document_color.patch:
    - patch from the CVS, don't set the document color for gecko-1.8
      (Ubuntu: #54502)

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>   Mon, 14 Aug 2006 18:59:31 +0200
Superseded in edgy-release
devhelp (0.12-0ubuntu2) edgy; urgency=low

  * debian/devhelp-common.install:
    - install icon properly. (Malone: #54311)

 -- Daniel Holbach <email address hidden>   Fri, 28 Jul 2006 11:06:50 +0200
Superseded in edgy-release
devhelp (0.12-0ubuntu1) edgy; urgency=low

  * New upstream release:
    - Add advanced (book/page) search options
    - Improve libdevhelp
    - Add --version option
    - Fix mnemomics
    - Add a very simple gedit plugin
    - Add quit menu item
    - Build fixes and clean ups
    - Lots of Gecko build fixes and improvements
    - Open external links in browser
    - UI tweaks
    - Shiny new icon
    - Read books installed in XDG data dirs
    - Use correct category in desktop file
    - Translations
  * debian/devhelp-common.install:
    - usr/share/pixmaps/ -> usr/share/icons/hicolor/
  * debian/devhelp.install:
    - ship gedit plugins.
  * debian/
    - Suggests: gedit

 -- Daniel Holbach <email address hidden>   Thu, 27 Jul 2006 23:02:29 +0200
Superseded in edgy-release
devhelp (0.11-5ubuntu1) edgy; urgency=low

  * Sync with Debian:
    Remaining Ubuntu Changes
    + debian/control,
      - use firefox instead of xulrunner

Superseded in edgy-release
Obsolete in dapper-release
Superseded in dapper-release
devhelp (0.11-2ubuntu1) dapper; urgency=low

  * Resynchronized with Debian (Malone: #28022)
  * Only changes to DEbian packages are:
    - debian/
      - Firefox instead of Mozilla.

 -- Daniel Holbach <email address hidden>  Mon, 23 Jan 2006 18:59:05 +0100
Superseded in dapper-release
devhelp (0.11-1ubuntu1) dapper; urgency=low

  * Resynchronized with Debian:
    - debian/
      - updated Build-Depends.
    - debian/{rules,}:
      - build with Firefox.

 -- Daniel Holbach <email address hidden>  Thu,  5 Jan 2006 14:21:07 +0100
Superseded in dapper-release
devhelp (0.11-0ubuntu1) dapper; urgency=low

  * Resynchronized with Debian (Ubuntu: #21215):
    - Build-Dep on firefox-dev instead of mozilla-dev
  * New usptream release:
    - Tab support (based on patch from Brent Smith)
    - Support for multiple windows (based on patch from Nirmal Kumar)
    - Parse the new gtk-doc format (Richard)
    - Reuse devhelp windows from the current workspace only (Richard)
    - Sync the contents tree with the actual selection (Richard)
    - Smart case searching (Ruben Vermeersch)
    - Use book title + html title as window title (Tommi Komulainen)
    - Improve build against various mozilla-derivates (Peter Volkov,
      Christian Persch, Robert O'Callahan)
    - General UI tweaks and bug fixes (Richard, Mikael, Christian, Paolo
      Borelli, Pedro Villavicencio)
    - New and updated translations: bg, cs, de, en_CA, es, fi, gl, hu, it,
      ja, nb, ne, nl, no, sk, sv, vi, zh_TW
  * debian/
    - bumped Build-Dep on libgtk2.0-dev.
    - added Build-Deps on libwnck-dev (>= 2.10), libgconf2-dev (>= 2.6).
  * debian/patches/01_api_format_change.patch:
    - dropped, done by upstream differently.

 -- Daniel Holbach <email address hidden>  Sun, 18 Dec 2005 14:31:11 +0100
Obsolete in breezy-release
devhelp (0.10-1ubuntu2) breezy; urgency=low

  * Updated for the firefox package name change (Ubuntu: #10994).

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>  Fri, 20 May 2005 10:11:22 +0200
Obsolete in hoary-release
devhelp (0.9.3-1ubuntu2) hoary; urgency=low

  * Rebuilt for the libhowl transition.

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>  Fri,  4 Mar 2005 00:10:22 +0100
Obsolete in warty-release
devhelp (0.8.1-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * debian/
  - updated dependencies and build-deps for mozilla 1.7
  - conflicts with mozilla >= 1.8 (Closes: #256047)
  * debian/patches/01relibtoolize.diff:
  - updated to have HTML_WIDGET_LIBS added to devhelp_LDADD
    on src/

 -- Gustavo Noronha Silva <email address hidden>  Fri, 25 Jun 2004 12:47:12 -0300
76122 of 122 results