Comment 14 for bug 101895

Revision history for this message
Vitor Boschi (vitorboschi) wrote :

I have a similar problem too. I'm using a fresh Feisty Fawn installation (AMD64 release version). Here's the error:

vitor@obiwankenobi:~$ gnome-keyboard-properties
dpy: 0x63f240
evt/error/major/minor: 113/174/1/0

(gnome-keyboard-properties:8000): GnomeKbdIndicator-WARNING **: key HZTG: keycode = 4294967295; not in range 8..255

(gnome-keyboard-properties:8000): GnomeKbdIndicator-WARNING **: key AC12: keycode = 4294967295; not in range 8..255

Falha de segmentação (core dumped)