Comment 33 for bug 404185

Revision history for this message
Martin Pitt (pitti) wrote :

I think I know what's going on here, but I'd appreciate if you could confirm a few issues.

You say

> When using other programs such as Palimpsest (it's the new disk utility) .. it will eject the volume from the Realtek reader without issue and it still stays connected to the USB bus.

There are actually three different concepts in palimpsest:

 * If you select a partition of a device, you have the "unmount" button (second button in toolbar, with the two blue arrows). This doesn't do any ejecting, and is unproblematic.

 * If you select the device containing the partitions, there are two buttons: One "eject medium" (third in the toolbar) with a CD eject symbol (arrow with bar), which calls "eject /dev/sdb"; and one "remove device from system and power off" (fourth in the toolbar) with a "stop" symbol (red square) which calls devkit-disks-helper-drive-detach.

I assume that when you wrote the above, you used the third button (eject), not the fourth one (remove device from system). Can you confirm?

I assume that devkit-disks-helper-drive-detach is the one which causes the grief here, and that merely calling "eject" does not cause the irrevocable USB bus disconnect (you also said so in a comment). So please confirm again that calling "sudo eject /dev/sdb" works fine.

So we shouldn't detach the drive from nautilus, at least not unconditionally as we do right now. A compromise might be to not detach drives which can hold removable media. I'll discuss that with David.

Can you please do

  devkit-disks --dump > /tmp/dk-disks.txt

with the SD card being inserted and mounted, and attach /tmp/dk-disks.txt here? I'd like to know the particular properties of this reader.
