Comment 1 for bug 87207

Revision history for this message
Martin Pitt (pitti) wrote :

I merged the new package:

 nss-mdns (0.9-0.2ubuntu1) feisty; urgency=low
   * Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
     - debian/postinst: Automatically transition the dapper default hosts: line
       'files dns mdns' to the recommended value, since dns before mdns is
       inefficient, a DNS server DoS, and an information leak.
   * Now ships libraries in /lib, not /usr/lib. (LP: #87207)
   * Reapply debian/patches/00_dns_unaligned_access.patch; debian/rules does
     not do this, and this got dropped in an earlier merge.
   * debian/control: Set Ubuntu maintainer.

It's uploaded, but stalled due to herd-5 freeze. I'll close the bug when it goes into the archive.