sbuild-launchpad-chroot 0.20 source package in Ubuntu


sbuild-launchpad-chroot (0.20) lunar; urgency=medium

  * Change from '+' to '.' in alias names to work with schroot 1.6.12-2 and
    newer. (LP: #1986775)
  * debian/sbuild-launchpad-chroot.postinst:
    - Update aliases in existing /etc/schroot/chroot.d/ files '+' to '.'
      [Chad Smith]

 -- Scott Moser <email address hidden>  Thu, 10 Nov 2022 10:50:51 -0500

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Scott Moser
Uploaded to:
Original maintainer:
Stéphane Graber
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Plucky release universe misc
Oracular release universe misc
Noble release universe misc
Mantic release universe misc
Lunar release universe misc


Lunar: [FULLYBUILT] amd64


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
sbuild-launchpad-chroot_0.20.tar.xz 7.4 KiB 32f63e8a672a413e994e310e3442c8f4ca3111aa0d1d5d88e7b00561439e752f
sbuild-launchpad-chroot_0.20.dsc 1.7 KiB 88c805a722f4cc6237f7577d314e2adcd796e06423526b1a1fe837782abeb8f3

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Binary packages built by this source

sbuild-launchpad-chroot: Launchpad integration for sbuild

 This includes two sbuild hooks and a command line tool to setup and
 maintain build chroots that are as close as possible to a standard
 Launchpad sbuild chroot.
 The sbuild-launchpad-chroot command can be used to setup, update and
 destroy those chroots. A schroot hook will also automatically update
 them should an update be available at the start of a build.
 Those chroots also come with a series of useful aliases allowing the
 user to easily choose which pockets and components should be available
 for the build.