Comment 3 for bug 203423

Revision history for this message
Colin Watson (cjwatson) wrote :

How do you feel about the behaviour in current daily builds? We made a number of changes:

ubiquity (1.8.5) hardy; urgency=low

  [ Evan Dandrea ]
  * Move the map when the cursor is near an edge instead of whenever the
    cursor moves (LP: #214989, #195159).
  * Various fixes to the new tzmap. Thanks Colin Watson.
    - Wait half a second before zooming in.
    - Zoom in from the position of the mouse, rather than the top left
    - Widen the hover-to-move areas.
    - Find the closest hotspot if there are several nearby.
    - Zoom to 4.5x.

A half-second delay felt better than a second in my experiments, and I think the zoom level is now much more comprehensible combined with the zoom location fixes.

This doesn't yet involve a slower zoom, nor does it involve a delay on leaving the map before zooming out. I think those are probably still sensible ideas.