Packages in parent series 'Buster' but not in 'Focal'


Packages that are listed here are those that have been added to the specific packages in parent series 'Buster' that were used to create Focal. They are listed here so you can consider including them in Focal.

76150 of 1113 results
Source Buster version Parent package-sets Last changed Latest comment
childsplay-alphabet-sounds-fr (changelog)
childsplay-alphabet-sounds-it (changelog)
childsplay-alphabet-sounds-nb (changelog)
childsplay-alphabet-sounds-nl (changelog)
childsplay-alphabet-sounds-pt (changelog)
childsplay-alphabet-sounds-ro (changelog)
childsplay-alphabet-sounds-ru (changelog)
childsplay-alphabet-sounds-sl (changelog)
childsplay-alphabet-sounds-sv (changelog)
chinese-calendar (changelog)
choreonoid (changelog)
chromium 90.0.4430.212-1~deb10u1 (changelog) by Debian Chromium Team
cigi-ccl (changelog) 3.3.3a+svn818-10 3.3.3a+svn818-10
ckermit (changelog)
classmate-tools (changelog)
cmucl 21d-1 (changelog) by Debian Common Lisp Team
code-of-conduct-signing-assistant (changelog)
colorchooser (changelog)
comix (changelog)
community-themes (changelog)
compactheader (changelog) 3.0.0~beta5-2~deb10u1 3.0.0~beta5-2~deb10u1
compiz-plugins-extra 2:0.8.16-2 (changelog) by Hypra Team
compiz-plugins-main 2:0.8.16-4 (changelog) by Hypra Team
compizconfig-python 2:0.8.16-2 (changelog) by Hypra Team
conkeror (changelog)
couchapp (changelog)
cpl-plugin-sinfo (changelog)
criu (changelog)
curl3 (changelog)
custom-tab-width (changelog)
cvc3 (changelog)
d-conf (changelog)
dcl 7.3.3-1 (changelog) by Youhei SASAKI
debian-design 3.0.12 (changelog) by Debian Design Team
debian-edu 2.10.47 (changelog) by Debian Edu Developers
debian-edu-artwork 2.10.5-1 (changelog) by Debian Edu Developers
debian-edu-artwork-legacy 20181204-2 (changelog) by Debian Edu Developers
debian-edu-config 2.10.65+deb10u8 (changelog) by Debian Edu Developers
debian-edu-doc 2.10.19~deb10u1 (changelog) by Debian Edu Developers
debian-edu-install 2.10.21 (changelog) by Debian Edu Developers
debian-installer-netboot-images 20190702+deb10u13 (changelog) by Debian Install System Team
debian-parl 1.9.18 (changelog) by DebianParl team
debianbuttons 2.3-2 (changelog) by Debian Mozilla Extension Maintainers
denyhosts (changelog)
deskscribe (changelog)
desktop-webmail (changelog)
desktopnova (changelog)
dipy (changelog)
disk-manager 1.1.1-2 (changelog) by David Paleino
dispmua (changelog) by Debian Mozilla Extension Maintainers
django-adminaudit (changelog)
django-app-plugins (changelog)
django-celery-transactions (changelog)
django-configglue (changelog)
django-extra-views (changelog)
django-threaded-multihost (changelog)
djangocms-admin-style (changelog)
dmtcp (changelog)
docbook2odf (changelog)
docky (changelog)
doctrine-sphinx-theme (changelog)
dogecoin 1.10.0-7.1 (changelog) by Keng-Yu Lin
dosemu (changelog)
dotlrn (changelog)
downthemall (changelog)
dtest (changelog)
dvdrip (changelog)
dvdrip-doc (changelog)
dvips-fontdata-n2bk (changelog)
e2fsprogs1.41 (changelog)
ebsmount (changelog)
echelon (changelog)
eclipse-anyedit (changelog)
76150 of 1113 results