Change logs for pbuilder source package in Hardy

  • pbuilder (0.183ubuntu1~hardy1) hardy-backports; urgency=low
      * Automated backport upload; no source changes.
    pbuilder (0.183ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low
      * Merge with Debian unstable. Remaining Ubuntu changes:
        - debian/control: Prefer debootstrap over cdebootstrap.
        - debian/control: Demote cowdancer from Recommends to Suggests. This fits
          Suggests semantics. (Forwarded to Debian #504594)
        - debian/doc-base: Fix section. (Forwarded to Debian #504596)
        - pbuilderrc:
          + Set default archive to "".
          + Set default distribution to "jaunty".
          + Set Ubuntu components, but comment them out, so that it still defaults
            to "main".
          + Use debootstrap rather than cdebootstrap.
          + Use "sudo -E" for PBUILDERROOTCMD. (LP #175776, Debian #361362)
        - debian/pbuilder.config: add explanation header on new install that the
          new /etc/pbuilderrc uses the default values from
          /usr/share/pbuilder/pbuilderrc. (Forwarded to Debian #504599)
        - debian/pbuilder.templates, debian/pbuilder.config: Use Ubuntu mirror by
        - pbuilder-satisfydepends-checkparams, pbuilder-satisfydepends-gdebi: Fix
          pbuilder-satisfydepends-gdebi: gdebi needs to be called from outside the
          chroot as the .dsc file isn't copied yet into the chroot.
          (Debian #472407, LP #242449).
        - pbuilder-buildpackage, pbuilder.8, pbuilder-checkparams,
          pbuilder-modules: Add support for building twice in a row.
          (Debian #493538)
    pbuilder (0.183) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Junichi Uekawa ]
      * use my local approx mirror for testing, since Argentina Debconf
        place does not have connection to /
      * REMOVEPACKAGES="", thanks to Sven Joachim (closes: #500002)
      [ Ben Finney ]
      * Dereference symlinks when copying hooks. (closes: #499358)
    pbuilder (0.182) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Junichi Uekawa ]
      * updated japanese documentation ja.po
      * implement a bash functional unit-testing testsuite, testlib.
      * run the unit-tests in makefile make check
      * Reorder command-line options, and add error check so that things are
        better checked.
      * update japanese po translation.
      [ Ignacio Mondino ]
      * [INTL:es] Spanish translation for po-debconf template (closes:
      [ Loïc Minier ]
      * Pass APT::Install-Recommends=false to gdebi when possible
      * Wrap build-deps, deps, and uploaders to get cleaner diffs.
      * Suggest gdebi; closes: #488314.
      * Pass -s to dh_* instead of checking dpkg-architecture and using -a
      * Cleanup rules
      * pbuilder-buildpackage-funcs: always pass chroot to satisfydepends
      * Drop build-dep on rootstrap; only used at runtime
      * pdebuild: Move "$@" to end of "arg chain" for PDEBUILD_BUILDER calls
      * pbuilder-satisfydepends-gdebi: add "--force-yes" to apt-get call
      * UNRELEASED snapshot banner
    pbuilder (0.181ubuntu7) intrepid; urgency=low
      * Demote cowdancer from Recommends to Suggests. This fits Suggests
        semantics, and avoids pulling in qemu, bochs, gcc-3.4, and other stuff
        into main.
    pbuilder (0.181ubuntu6) intrepid; urgency=low
      * Fix: correctly handle multiple --debbuildopts (LP: #278213).
    pbuilder (0.181ubuntu5) intrepid; urgency=low
      * Fix condition that makes build twice in a row the default behavior.
        (LP: #258808)
    pbuilder (0.181ubuntu4) intrepid; urgency=low
      [ Nicolas Valcárcel ]
      * Make pbuilder lintian clean (LP: #254305):
        - Edit debian/rules to not ignore make clean errors
        - Modified Standars version
        - Update debconf templates
        - Modified doc-base Section to Debian according to new schema
        - Added interpreter to pbuildd/hookdir/ due lintian error
      * Added --twice build option (LP: #196008)
        - Edited manpage with the new option
        - Added option information on built-in help message
      [ Michael Vogt ]
      * Added gdebi-core to Suggests (LP: #131153)
    pbuilder (0.181ubuntu3) intrepid; urgency=low
      * Fix pbuilder-satisfydepends-gdebi:
        gdebi needs to be called from outside the chroot as the .dsc file isn't
        copied yet into the chroot (Closes: #472407, LP: #242449).
    pbuilder (0.181ubuntu2) intrepid; urgency=low
      * debian/rules: s/ -a/ -s/ to fix FTBFS on powerpc (LP: #184218)
    pbuilder (0.181ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low
      * Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
        * debian/control:
          - Prefer debootstrap over cdebootstrap.
          - Remove rootstrap build-dependency.
        * pbuilderrc:
          - Set default archive to "".
          - Set default distribution to "intrepid".
          - Set Ubuntu components.
          - Don't create a buildd variant by default.
          - Use debootstrap rather than cdebootstrap.
          - pbuilderrc: use "sudo -E" for PBUILDERROOTCMD (LP: #175776)
        * pdebuild: Move "$@" to end of "arg chain" for PDEBUILD_BUILDER
          calls, so that "--buildresult" option gets passed to pbuilder
          (LP: #129586)
      * debian/pbuilder.config:
        - add explaination header on new install that the new /etc/pbuilderrc
          uses the default values from /usr/share/pbuilder/pbuilderrc
    pbuilder (0.181) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Esko Arajärvi ]
      * Finnish translation of the debconf templates (closes: #482108)
      [ Jordà Polo ]
      * Catalan debconf templates translation update (closes: #481930)
      [ xabier bilbao ]
      * Basque translation (closes: #481842)
      [ Yuri Kozlov ]
      * Russian debconf templates translation (closes: #481711)
      [ Miroslav Kure ]
      * Czech translation of pbuilder debconf messages (closes: #481627)
      [ Jacobo Tarrio ]
      * Galician debconf template translation (closes: #481118)
      [ Junichi Uekawa ]
      * documentation .po files changed.
    pbuilder (0.180) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Sylvain Beucler ]
      * lvmpbuilder is not complete in the binary packages (closes: #475363)
      [ Sandro Tosi ]
      * pbuilder: html doc enhancement (closes: #478021)
      [ Junichi Uekawa ]
      * umount on failed bind-mount (closes: #474771)
      * [INTL:de] initial German debconf translation (closes: #475046)
      * pbuilder: French debconf templates translation (closes: #474567)
      * pbuilder: [INTL:pt] Portuguese translation for debconf messages
        (closes: 473825)
      * --create with --basetgz will not fail file does not exist (closes:
      * add po4a build-dependency (closes: #480633)
    pbuilder (0.179) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Eddy Petrișor ]
      * added support for detection of the default mirror in postinst
        (Closes: #333294)
        - /etc/pbuilderrc is no longer a conffile
        - detection of the default MIRRORSITE relies on the information from
          /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
      * bumped versioned dependency on debhelper to (>= 4.1.16) as indicated in
        po-debconf manual
      [ po-debconf translations ]
      * iniatial Romanian translation (by Eddy Petrișor)
      * add ja.po (by Junichi Uekawa)
      [ Junichi Uekawa ]
      * French documentation update (closes: #465515)
      * remove linda and use lintian, linda is now gone.
      * use for default Debian mirror
      * Documentation: revise information about Git commit logs and changelog.
    pbuilder (0.178) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Junichi Uekawa ]
      * satisfydepends-gdebi: reorganize code to go in-line with other
      * gdebi: install gdebi-core, not gdebi into chroot.
      * revise japanese documentation
      * Do not show "Upgrading for distribution xyz" message on update when
        --override-config is not specified (closes: #459432)
      [ Loïc Minier ]
      * Set APT::Get::AutomaticRemove=true in upgrade instead of calling
    pbuilder (0.177) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Loic Minier ]
      * Run apt-get autoremove after upgrade.
      [ Junichi Uekawa ]
      * python-apt/gdebi based pbuilder-satisfydepends-gdebi (closes:
      * Fix devpts mount permissions (closes: #453862)
      * Document pbuilder-satisfydepends-gebi in manpage
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Backport <email address hidden>   Wed, 05 Nov 2008 22:57:37 +0000
  • pbuilder (0.176ubuntu2) hardy; urgency=low
      [ Daniel Hahler ]
      * pbuilderrc: use "sudo -E" for PBUILDERROOTCMD (LP: #175776)
      * pbuilder-satisfydepends-gdebi: add "--force-yes" to apt-get call
        (LP: #123068)
      * pdebuild: Move "$@" to end of "arg chain" for PDEBUILD_BUILDER
        calls, so that "--buildresult" option gets passed to pbuilder
        (LP: #129586)
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Fri, 29 Feb 2008 12:49:35 +0100
  • pbuilder (0.176ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low
      * Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
        * debian/control:
          - Prefer debootstrap over cdebootstrap.
          - DebianMaintainerField.
          - Remove rootstrap build-dependency.
          - add missing po4a build-dep
        * Makefile:
          - Addded pbuilder-satisfydepends-gdebi
        * pbuilder-buildpackage-funcs:
          - always pass --chroot to the pbuilder-satisfydepends (needed for
        * pbuilderrc:
          - Set default archive to "".
          - Set default distribution to "hardy".
          - Set Ubuntu components.
          - Don't create a buildd variant by default.
          - Use debootstrap rather than cdebootstrap.
        * pbuilder-satisfydepends-gdebi:
          - added alternative b-d resolver that should should speed up b-d
            resolution quite a bit.
       * Support for specifying components is now included in Debian.
    pbuilder (0.176) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Loic Minier ]
      * Do not install recommends in pbuilder-satisfydepends-aptitude.
      explicitly add -o APT::Install-Recommends=false
      [ Junichi Uekawa ]
      * Create /etc/apt/apt.conf.d just in case it doesn't exist. (Closes:
    pbuilder (0.175) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/control: Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Git instead of XS-*.
      * Bug fix: "pbuilder: pdebuild - Breakage when using XC- headers",
        thanks to Soren Hansen (Closes: #448757).
      * Bug fix: "pbuilder: French documentation translation", thanks to
        Vincent Bernat (Closes: #448294).
      * Bug fix: "pbuilder-satisfydepends-classic should pass
        -o APT::Install-Recommends=false to apt-get", thanks to Daniel Schepler
        (Closes: #448562).
      * set /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/15pbuilder so that Install-Recommends is false.
     -- Michael Vogt <email address hidden>   Thu, 29 Nov 2007 10:16:12 +0100
  • pbuilder (0.174ubuntu2) hardy; urgency=low
      * Fix sed for pdebuild-internal to stop matching Original-Maintainer
        field as an output file name.
     -- John Dong <email address hidden>   Sat, 27 Oct 2007 15:30:13 -0400
  • pbuilder (0.174ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low
      * Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining Ubuntu changes:
        * debian/control:
          - Prefer debootstrap over cdebootstrap.
          - DebianMaintainerField.
          - Remove rootstrap build-dependency.
        * Makefile:
          - Addded pbuilder-satisfydepends-gdebi
        * pbuilder-buildpackage-funcs:
          - always pass --chroot to the pbuilder-satisfydepends (needed for
        * pbuilderrc:
          - Set default archive to "".
          - Set default distribution to "hardy".
          - Set Ubuntu components.
          - Don't create a buildd variant by default.
          - Use debootstrap rather than cdebootstrap.
        * pbuilder-satisfydepends-gdebi:
          - added alternative b-d resolver that should should speed up b-d
            resolution quite a bit.
       * Support for specifying components is now included in Debian.
    pbuilder (0.174) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Junichi Uekawa ]
      * add bash_completion.
      * Bug fix: "pbuilder: incoherence man page with --help", thanks to David
        Vernazobres (Closes: #446479).
      * Bug fix: "Add XS-Vcs-* field", thanks to Laurent Bigonville (Closes:
      [ Adrien Cunin ]
      * Added the ability to specify the distribution components via $COMPONENTS in
        pbuilderrc or via pbuilder --components. Part of the patch taken from
        Ubuntu. (Closes: #422371)
     -- Adrien Cunin <email address hidden>   Sat, 27 Oct 2007 13:58:41 +0200
  • pbuilder (0.173ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low
      * Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
        * debian/control:
          - Prefer debootstrap over cdebootstrap.
          - DebianMaintainerField.
          - Remove rootstrap build-dependency.
        * Makefile:
          - Addded pbuilder-satisfydepends-gdebi
        * pbuilder-buildpackage-funcs:
          - always pass --chroot to the pbuilder-satisfydepends (needed for
        * pbuilder-modules:
          - Add support for multiple components.
        * pbuilderrc:
          - Set default archive to "".
          - Set default distribution to "gutsy".
          - Add comment about components.
          - Don't create a buildd variant by default.
          - Use debootstrap rather than cdebootstrap.
        * pbuilderrc.5:
          - Document support for multiple components.
        * pbuilder-satisfydepends-gdebi:
          - added alternative b-d resolver that should should speed up b-d
            resolution quite a bit.
     -- Soren Hansen <email address hidden>   Fri, 19 Oct 2007 17:55:29 +0200
  • pbuilder (0.170ubuntu1) gutsy; urgency=low
      * Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
        * pbuilder-satisfydepends-gdebi:
          - added alternative b-d resolver that should should speed up b-d
            resolution quite a bit.
        * pbuilder-buildpackage-funcs:
          - always pass --chroot to the pbuilder-satisfydepends (needed for
        * pbuilderrc:
          - Set default distribution to "gutsy".
          - Set default archive to "".
          - Add comment about components.
          - Don't create a buildd variant by default.
          - Use debootstrap rather than cdebootstrap.
        * pbuilder-modules:
          - Add support for multiple components.
        * pbuilderrc.5:
          - Document support for multiple components.
        * debian/control:
          - Prefer debootstrap over cdebootstrap.
          - DebianMaintainerField.
      * Remove pbuilder-uml build-dependency. UML is not in main, and it's only
        really needed to run the testsuite, which doesn't get run automatically
    pbuilder (0.170) unstable; urgency=low
      * add example rebuild script from Bastian Venthur
      * /var/cache/apt/archives is deleted when I set APTCACHE to /var/cache/apt/archives and I call pbuilder clean
        (closes: #425832)
      * fix pbuilder.8 manpage example, it was different from real output.
      * pbuilder-doc.pdf: do not compress this file.
      * make pbuilderrc example on DEBBUILDOPTS not contain -b, which is not recommended.
      * Bug fix: "Patch for script for use with
        pdebuild", thanks to Andres Mejia (Closes: #429770).
      * Documentation, examples/pbuilder-test/: add sample scripts for
        pbuilder-test, and add reference to it.
      * Bug fix: "pbuilder: Some sample (device-mapper) cow build scripts",
        thanks to Kapil Hari Paranjape (Closes: #389884).
        Include lvmpbuilder sample implementation.
     -- Soren Hansen <email address hidden>   Tue, 10 Jul 2007 14:14:02 +0200