Change logs for jokosher source package in Karmic

  • jokosher (0.11.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream release.
      * debian/patches/20_LevelList_IOError.dpatch:
        - Removed, upstream fixed the issue with a different approach.
      * debian/patches/50_CreateNewProject_return.dpatch:
        - Removed, applied upstream.
      * Install jokosher-C.omf file to display help menu.
      * debian/patches/60-hard-code-omf-location.dpatch: fix help menu URI.
     -- Luca Falavigna <email address hidden>   Mon,  15 Jun 2009 22:07:56 +0100
  • jokosher (0.11.2-2ubuntu1) karmic; urgency=low
      * Merge from Debian unstable, remaining changes:
        - debian/patches/01-hard-code-omf-location.dpatch: fix help menu.
        - Install jokosher-C.omf file to display help menu.
    jokosher (0.11.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Add python-xdg to jokosher dependencies (Closes: #530543).
      * Bump debhelper minimum requirement to 7.0.50.
      * Remove debian/pycompat file.
     -- Luca Falavigna <email address hidden>   Tue, 26 May 2009 16:28:48 +0200
  • jokosher (0.11.2-1ubuntu1) karmic; urgency=low
      * Merge from Debian unstable, remaining changes:
        - debian/patches/01-hard-code-omf-location.dpatch: fix help menu.
    jokosher (0.11.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Luca Falavigna ]
      * New upstream release (Closes: #517234).
        - Jokosher now appears under Sound & Video (Closes: #443788).
      * New Maintainer (Closes: #523167).
      * Add Python Applications Packaging Team to Uploaders.
      * Add Vcs-* fields in source stanza.
      * Adjust copyright informations:
        - Refresh upstream authors and copyright holders.
        - Link to /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2.
        - Adjust copyright holders for Debian packaging.
        - Replace (c) with ©.
      * Apply changes from Ubuntu by Daniel Holbach (thanks!):
        - Drop scrollkeeper from Build-Depends.
        - Drop useless dependencies: python-alsaaudio, gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs,
          librsvg2-common, python-gnome2.
        - Bump gstreamer0.10-plugins-good requirement to >= 0.10.9.
        - Drop debian/, useless.
        - Provide debian/watch file.
      * Switch to debhelper 7.
      * Install Jokosher module in private directory.
      * Unpack egg files to let python-support handle them.
      * Drop python-dev from Build-Depends, use python (>= 2.4) instead.
      * Depend on python-gobject.
      * Switch dependency from python-setuptools to python-pkg-resources
        because of package rename (Closes: #468728).
      * debian/patches/10_update_mime_database.dpatch:
        - Refresh for new upstream release.
      * debian/patches/20_LevelList_IOError.dpatch:
        - Fix IOError exception trying to add an audio file to a project.
      * debian/patches/30_desktop_file.dpatch:
        - Adhere to standards by removing deprecated entries.
      * debian/patches/50_CreateNewProject_return.dpatch:
        - Return class while creating a new project.
      * Provide a simple man page for jokosher.
      * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.1:
        - Provide Homepage field in source stanza.
        - Provide debian/README.source to document dpatch usage.
      [ Piotr Ożarowski ]
      * Add 40_load_extensions_from_unpacked_eggs patch so that extensions in
        unzipped Eggs are recognized as well
     -- Luca Falavigna <email address hidden>   Wed, 13 May 2009 14:56:41 +0200
  • jokosher (0.11.1-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low
      * New upstream release (LP: #290516):
        - Implement fixed audio/x-raw-float caps to solve negotiation problems.
          (unconfirmed fix for very important bug #247977)
        - Add auto-scrolling when the playhead is dragged past the end of the
          timeline. (LP: #81810)
        - Fix mix view resizing, and add a scroll bar to the mixer strip area.
          (LP: #87790)
        - Use gettext.install() so gettext doesn't need to be imported in every
          module. (LP: #125186)
        - Fix bug where playback would fail because output device selection was
          not loaded correctly.
        - When error occurs, dump a DOT file to give details of GStreamer
          pipeline. (Will greatly help with debugging)
        - Set program name and env var for PulseAudio to display information
          about Jokosher's streamer.
        - Use grab_add() when editing BPM and allow escape key to leave the
          editing mode.
        - Remove encoding parameter from .desktop file as this is deprecated.
      * debian/install, debian/patches/01-hard-code-omf-location.dpatch: install
        fixed version of .omf file for good help pages. (LP: #290516)
     -- Daniel Holbach <email address hidden>   Tue, 17 Mar 2009 15:37:15 +0100