Change logs for pstoedit source package in Zesty

  • pstoedit (3.70-3build2) zesty; urgency=medium
      * Rebuild against new imagemagick
     -- Gianfranco Costamagna <email address hidden>  Wed, 18 Jan 2017 08:09:38 +0100
  • pstoedit (3.70-3build1) zesty; urgency=medium
      * No-change rebuild against latest imagemagick
     -- Jeremy Bicha <email address hidden>  Fri, 16 Dec 2016 21:07:11 -0500
  • pstoedit (3.70-3) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Enable pptx support via simple build dependency on libzip-dev,
     -- Barak A. Pearlmutter <email address hidden>  Tue, 11 Oct 2016 14:55:22 +0100
  • pstoedit (3.70-1.1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Non-maintainer upload.
      [ Peter Michael Green ]
      * Disable broken if-check in plugin load code so that plugins can be
        successfully loaded from PSTOEDITLIBDIR. (Closes: #813316)
     -- James Cowgill <email address hidden>  Mon, 09 May 2016 22:31:45 +0100